Yet Another Democrat Says It’s Time For Nancy Pelosi To Step Down

Category: AR PAC

Alison Lundergan Grimes was asked if she supported President Obama’s request for emergency border funding. As Sam Youngman at the Lexington Herald-Leader reports, she dodged answering the question 4 times.

Too bad Barber had to clarify in 2012 that he was going to vote for Barack Obama.

Hillary Rodham Clinton Signs And Discusses "Hard Choices"

Today The Huffington Post reported that the State Department gave Blackwater over $1 billion since a 2007 incident that involved Blackwater’s top official in Iraq making death threats against a U.S. government investigator reviewing the company. Blackwater has a controversial history which led then-Senator Hillary Clinton to vow to crackdown on the company. [Read more…]

udall-obama-golf-memeWhile Obama was in Colorado campaigning for Mark Udall – even though Udall was staying away, as far away as he could – the president praised Udall, saying he was not an ideologue and that they did not agree on everything. [Read more…]

It’s wedding season! For most folks, that means seeing old friends and celebrating the exciting future of two newlyweds.

But apparently for “the other half,” like Congressman Sean “Everyman” Maloney, it means elaborate fireworks displays and drones to film the day’s events in idyllic Cold Spring, New York! Drones! [Read more…]


It’s widely been acknowledged that in Alison Lundergan Grimes’ first attack ad, she misled a senior to lie about her opponent’s voting record.

But the fact-checkers didn’t stop there. Grimes introduces longtime Democrat Don Disney in the ad and explains he’s from Cloverlick, Kentucky. But when fact-checkers started looking for Cloverlick, they couldn’t find it. [Read more…]


The circus that is a Martha Coakley’s candidacy has tried to walk the tightrope of criticizing failures in state government without stepping on her BFFL, Governor Deval Patrick’s, toes too much. This week, however, she peeved the Governor when she criticized his mismanagement of the drug lab crisis. [Read more…]

This morning, after a week of reports of Colorado Democrats running away from President ObamaThe Hill reported that Illinois Democrats are agonizing about how Democrat Governor Pat Quinn may be their Obama. [Read more…]


Georgia Democrat Michelle Nunn is calling on her GOP rivals to refuse third-party ads in the upcoming general election. In what she’s calling the “Peach State Pledge,” Nunn laments that Georgians are “tired of politics as usual.” [Read more…]


ABC News: Hillary Clinton Offers No Documents to Rebut Criticism of Hefty Speaker Fees

Transparency, thy name is Hillary Clinton.