With Government Shutdown Looming, Bad News Continues To Pile Up For Hassan In New Hampshire

Category: AR PAC

In a radio interview this morning, New York Democrat Sean Eldridge criticized the Keystone Pipeline as an “investment in dirty energy.” Guess he forgot that his husband has over $100,000 invested in TransCanada, the company building the Keystone Pipeline.

Natalie Tennant says Elizabeth Warren is just like West Virginians who grew up in rural West Virginia. But here are four ways that Warren is NOT for West Virginians: [Read more…]

Parker Griffith is a Democrat running for governor of Alabama.

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Trial Lawyer Bruce Braley is that guy in your neighborhood association who threatens legal action over the most minor inconvenience. Last week Braley was caught on tape lying to an Iowa voter about being a farmer[Read more…]

Nobody’s buying what Alaska Democrat Mark Begich is selling. Faced with a tough reelection fight, Begich is telling anyone who will listen that he’s “a thorn” in President Obama’s, uh, behind.


This is coming from the guy who has voted 97 percent of the time with Obama. [Read more…]


Elizabeth Warren, who will be campaigning with Democrat Senate candidate Natalie Tenant in coal-rich West Virginia, has not only fought for President Obama’s war on coal, but as an attorney, Warren actually represented a firm that was trying to deny health benefits to coal miners. Among Warren’s opponents in the case were the Clinton Administration, current-AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, and none other than Sen. Jay Rockefeller, who Tenant is running to replace. Rockefeller said at the time Warren’s client could leave coal miner retirees “out in the cold.”

Wonder how Natalie Tenant feels about her liberal teammate’s role in fighting to deny coal miners their health benefits. The full 2012 Boston Globe story here.

Warren also helped write a petition to the US Supreme Court for LTV Steel in the 1990s, assisting the former industrial conglomerate in its fight against a congressional requirement that it pay millions of dollars into a fund for its retired coal miners’ health care. …

The Coal Act was passed in 1992, to finance a fund for the long-term health care of retired mine workers and their families.

The case involved the question of whether LTV, which was emerging from bankruptcy when the Coal Act took effect in 1993, could be forced to pay out more money after its bankruptcy was completed. Warren argued that the company’s obligations under the Coal Act should have been addressed as part of the bankruptcy. …

[O]pponents, including the Clinton administration, argued that LTV and other companies challenging the statute were trying to take advantage of the bankruptcy laws to avoid their responsibility. And mine workers and their advocates also argued that if LTV or any other company tried to avoid paying into the Coal Act fund, the entire fund could collapse.

“No exception should be made to this act,” Richard Trumka, then president of the United Mine Workers, told a congressional panel in 1993. “When it unravels, you will have roughly 200,000 miners and beneficiaries out there that will lose their health care.”

Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, of West Virginia, made a similar argument, telling the panel that retirees, whose average age was 77, could be left “out in the cold” if firms won any exemptions from the law.

In a clear rebuke of Hillary Clinton’s stance on the border crisis, potential 2016 foe Martin O’Malley told reporters that children coming to the United States from Central America should be able to stay in the U.S. because “we are not a country that should turn children away and send them back to certain death.”

Last month, Clinton said children illegally immigrating to the U.S. from Central America “should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who responsible adults in their family are” because “we don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws”

This isn’t the first time Hillary has been hit from the left on immigration by an up-and-coming challenger in a Democrat primary.

Check out audio of O’Malley’s stance in the SoundCloud below and Hillary’s comments last month here.


A former Black Panther leader and ex-felon just hosted a Capitol Hill fundraiser for Michelle Nunn. Yeah, you read that right. The National Review has the scoop on Nunn’s latest radical bank roller: [Read more…]

biting handIn a Rolling Stone interview, Michael Bloomberg trashed two Colorado communities, calling them “as rural as you can get,” and questioning the existence of roads in Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Why? Because a couple State Senators disagreed with him on a Second Amendment issue. Classy.

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The NY Daily News reports that NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is heading to Italy for a 10-day family vacation.

The trip will be “the longest vacation by any Big Apple mayor in recent memory.” Even soda-snatching billionaire Michael Bloomberg preferred to ignore his mayoral duties from the close comforts of Bermuda during weekend getaways. [Read more…]