House Democrats’ Dramatic Primary Problems Continue

Category: AR PAC

In a radio interview today, Sean Eldridge finally gave the reason he fired his campaign manager. Eldridge explains that he couldn’t handle the challenges of the final few months of the campaign. [Read more…]

Despite flying over Detroit, MI – the home of Netroots Nation 2014 – Hillary Clinton will not strategize with Democratic activists at the United States’ “largest progressive gathering” this weekend. Instead, she will be traveling from Connecticut to Minnesota in order to $ell her book.

Fear not progressive activists! Clinton’s Super PAC Ready For Hillary donated $10,000 to the gathering and will provide coffee and donuts! This doesn’t mean Hillary has abandoned you, right?

If only Netroots organizers were willing to pony up the $275,000 speaking fee she requires, Hillary might’ve deigned you with her presence.

Hillary Flies Over NN14

Today, speaking at Generation Progress’ 2014 National Summit, Biden called for the removal of all combat troops from Afghanistan. This places him to the left of Hillary Clinton, who said she’d be open to a residual force in June.

Capital New York obtained a copy of the contract for Hillary Clinton’s speech at the University of Buffalo. Among the terms is a $1,000 fee imposed on the University for a professional stenographer to transcribe her remarks.

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Wonder how many college students on campus would be willing to transcribe her remarks for a little less.

As a result, there should be publicly available transcripts of her remarks at paid speeches, right? Think again. According to The Washington Post, the Clintons’ contracts bar sponsors from distributing video or text of their remarks.

Some sponsors say the Clintons’ contracts have contained stipulations barring sponsors from recording their speeches or distributing video or text of their remarks.

What in these speeches does she have to hide?


Natalie Tennant again dodged the question of whether or not she would have voted for ObamaCare by using the ridiculous excuse that she can’t say because she wasn’t there. [Read more…]

In an interview with Vice, even Paris Hilton is more honest about her extravagant wealth than Hillary Clinton

VICE: “Unlike a lot of celebrities—such as Hillary Clinton, who recently said that she had been struggling for money when she left the White House—you’ve always been very upfront about being born privileged. Why is that?”

PARIS HILTON: “I’m just always honest with everything, and that is a truth. Yes, I’m very fortunate. I did come from a wealthy family, but at the same time I didn’t have to work, and I chose to. I’ve done this all on my own, so I’m very proud of that fact. I easily could have been like all these spoiled trust-fund kids who never work a day in their lives, but I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to make a name for myself, and be independent, and not have to ask my family for anything. I’m very proud of what I accomplished and created.”


Well, let’s check the math: [Read more…]

General_John_WalshYet another retired military officer is speaking out against Sen. John Walsh’s abuse of power at the Montana Department of Military Affairs. [Read more…]

Alaska Democrat Mark Begich made news yesterday when he claimed to be a “thorn” to President Obama. Once all the laughter died down from this ridiculous claim, folks started taking a look at Begich’s record. What they found was a follower. [Read more…]