Clinton Surrogates Are Worried About Sanders

Category: AR PAC

A new POLITICO poll shows that Hillary Clinton’s attempt to cast her time as Secretary of State as a success during her book tour media blitz have largely failed, leaving her legacy defined by failures in Benghazi and throughout the globe.

According to the poll, over 50% of those polled were unimpressed with her time at state. 35% described her work as Secretary as fair and 21% percent described it as poor. Only 40% percent of those polled described her work as good or excellent with a small fourteen percent calling her an “excellent” Secretary of State.

The response from independents was even more negative as 60% said her performance was either fair or poor compared with the 33% who said she her tenure was good or excellent.

Despite being in politics for over 3 decades, spending 4 years as Secretary of State, and having run for president once before, Hillary Clinton still doesn’t have a “clear idea” what she would do as President and what her campaign message would be according to Bill Clinton.

In an interview with CNN, Bill Clinton indicated that Hillary doesn’t know what her message for a 2016 campaign would be and still needs time to develop it.

We’ve reached a point in our life when we think you really shouldn’t run for office if you don’t have a clear idea of what you can do and a unique contribution you can make and you can outline that,” Clinton told CNN’s Anna Coren. “Now that the book is done, she wants time to think about that and work through it. I think so much of politics is background noise, and we don’t need the background noise anymore.”

Hillary’s 2008 campaign was widely panned for lacking a central message and fellow Democrat strategists like Obama pollster Joel Benenson have said that the early signs for 2016 indicate she’s making many of the same mistakes.


North Carolina Democrat Kay Hagan was asked last week if she would “invite the children on the border into North Carolina.” Recent reports have indicated thousands of unaccompanied minors are traveling to the U.S. border.

Hagan, instead of answering the question, declined to take a position or even respond to the question.


Well, this is just embarrassing.

Little Rock reporter Janelle Lilley tried asking Sen. Mark Pryor questions about his agreement to only discuss a narrow set of topics in an upcoming debate with Rep. Tom Cotton.

Instead of politely answering Lilley’s questions, Pryor chose to flee. [Read more…]

Hillary is saying her Russian Reset was “brilliant”, but the Free Beacon’s Matthew Continetti tears it apart in 3 quick sentences:

“I think it was a brilliant stroke,” Hillary Clinton says of the “reset” policy the United States pursued toward Russia when she was secretary of State. She has an odd understanding of brilliance. The “reset” gave us a world where Georgia remains illegally occupied, where Poland and the Czech Republic lack missile defenses, where American parents cannot adopt Russian babies, where Russian bombers fly within 50 miles of the Pacific coast, where Ukraine is sundered, where the prospects for ground war in Eastern Europe are high, where Putin says U.S. sanctions against his cronies will take bilateral relations to a “dead end.”

The Obama EPA announced today that it will impose restrictions on Pebble Mine, a potential mining project in Alaska. Obama’s EPA is essentially pre-emptively vetoing the mine before it has even submitted its proposal. [Read more…]

There she goes again. A day after saying Democrats would exceed expectations this year, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz admitted Democrats have no chance of winning back the House: [Read more…]

Wendy Davis either doesn’t know the rules, or just doesn’t care.

Less than 24 hours before campaign finance reports were due in the Texas Governor’s race, Davis inflated her amount raised by nearly $300,000. Much like her version of her background, it was all made up. [Read more…]

Interrupted by protesters at the Netroots Nation chanting “Stop Deporting our Families!” Biden says “I respect your view and I share your view,” before telling the crowd to clap for the protesters.

John Walsh did a BuzzFeed post called “Ten Things You Don’t Know About John Walsh.” Here’s ten more things you may not know about John Walsh, Montana’s newest Senator. [Read more…]