Clinton Did Not Turn Over All Emails, As She Claimed

Category: AR PAC

Yesterday, Beretta U.S.A announced that it would move all the manufacturing jobs in its southern Maryland plant out of the state and into Tennessee. The move will cost Maryland 160 jobs and is largely due to O’Malley’s decision to sign one of the nation’s most restrictive gun laws. [Read more…]


Gary Peters loves to rail against companies that move overseas for tax purposes. [Read more…]

Just yesterday, the Cedar Rapids Gazette reported Bruce Braley has missed 78% of Veterans Affairs committee meetings.

Today, the Des Moines Register is reporting that Braley chose to attend 3 fundraisers on a day he missed a committee hearing. [Read more…]

Sean Eldridge, beneficiary of a billion dollar Facebook fortune, tried to connect to middle class voters in New York’s 19th district by pointing out he worked at a Taco Bell–IN HIGH SCHOOL!

Parker_Griffith FIFY

Earlier today, Democrat candidate for Alabama Governor, Parker Griffith, tweeted about his “vision for Alabama,” which explained nothing about his vision for Alabama.

So we fixed it for him, using a memorable quote that better represents him – the same guy who compared Alabama to an Islamic religious war. Here he’s talking about how he got stuck running for governor, explaining that he was basically the last guy left.

See the video of what he said and his full quote below:

“You’ll like this, How did I get here why am I the guy they shoved down to the end of the diving board, ok stuck him in the butt with a knife, ok. Jim Folsom backed out, Sue Bell Cobb no mas, too hard. Billy Beasley decided 24 hours before February the seventh no mas.”



Click Here to keep Elizabeth Warren out of the White House. 

Who is John Galt? Compared to Senator Elizabeth Warren, it seems even President Obama could pass for the fictional champion of capitalism. A recent analysis by Nate Silver’s 538 found that Elizabeth Warren could be the most liberal presidential candidate in the modern era should she decide to run in 2016. [Read more…]

NEW: See our NEW Clinton Costs Calculator!

We’re launching a new twitter handle – @ClintonCosts – that will tell you how much Hillary Clinton would be paid for speaking.

When she speaks to students, it’s all about the $$$. [Read more…]

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If showing up is half the battle, then Bruce Braley is losing the fight. On the stump, Braley claims that fighting for veterans is a top priority. But over the weekend The Cedar Rapids Gazette reported that, back in DC, Braley missed 78 percent of the full Veterans Affairs Committee hearings held while sitting on the committee in 2011 and 2012.

Braley has had a tough time keeping up with veterans issues–like earlier this month when Braley told an Iowa veteran that veterans are happy with the VA.

[Read more…]

Yesterday, Mark Pryor was asked about individuals who have lost their health care coverage or who have seen their premiums increase because of ObamaCare.

Instead of addressing the problem, Pryor dismissed the claims as “anecdotal.” [Read more…]

Watch Natalie Tennant’s awkward dodge when MSNBC asked her if she would want Obama to campaign for her.