Does Clinton Back Cuomo’s Executive Minimum Wage Decree?

Category: AR PAC

A new poll conducted by WPA Research found that 55 percent of likely Nevada voters think that Hillary getting paid $225,000+ to give $peeches is “unfair.” This figure nearly doubles the number of people (29 percent) who feel that the honorarium is “fair.” It’s no wonder Nevadans feel this way when things are put in perspective. In just ONE HOUR, Hillary is getting paid more than what the average Nevadan gets paid ($27,003 in 2012 per capita income) in EIGHT YEARS. At the same time, Clinton is robbing the University of Nevada while the University is raising tuition by nearly twenty percent this upcoming year. As Hillary continues to fly around the country on her private jet under the guise that she is on a “book tour,” Americans are beginning to realize just how out-of-touch she really is. duh

Money The Minneapolis Star Tribune just reported Washington politician Collin Peterson’s campaign has paid his son more than $400,000 in salary and reimbursements since 2000. As recently as January 2013, Elliot Peterson, a Tennessee resident who serves as his father’s campaign treasurer, has made nearly $60,000 in “the family business.” [Read more…]

Yesterday, the Daily Record noticed Martin O’Malley fall asleep during a Public Works meeting. His constituents were unimpressed.

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While campaigning with Vice President and gaffe machine Joe Biden Wednesday, Democrat Erin Bilbray ripped a line from the movie “300” to make some point. We’re not sure what that point was though.

Also, BTW Erin, the 300 lost.




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Nunn State MottoMichelle Nunn had a bit of a gaffe as she attempted to compare her campaign to Georgia’s state motto. The Associated Press reported Nunn saying Georgia’s state motto as “Union, Justice, Moderation.” [Read more…]

John_Walsh_PlagiarizeAccording to The New York Times, John Walsh plagiarized at least a quarter of his thesis for his masters degree from the Army War College.

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jon stewart Despite campaigning on her clout and misleading Louisianans by telling them she stood up to Washington and “won” on revenue sharing, Landrieu admitted yesterday that she was not sure when her bill to lift the cap on revenue sharing for Louisiana would move forward. [Read more…]

So, what’s worse than skipping your committee hearing on the VA backlog to attend three D.C. fundraisers? Skipping your committee hearing to attend three D.C. fundraisers and then lying about it. [Read more…]