“Dead Broke” Bill Clinton Makes Quick Shopping Trip To Paris

Category: AR PAC

The National Review scooped Michelle Nunn’s internal campaign memo. Here are our top 8 embarrassing things from the memo:

1. Nunn was trying to determine whether or not she should develop a position on ObamaCare. Hint: She still hasn’t. Nunn 1 2. Nunn plans to rollout a gun owners’ policy in September or October with the primary target being the “press.” Nunn 2 3. Nunn’s memo is full of self-vetting vulnerabilities including giving service awards to “terrorists” with ties to Hamas and “inmates.” Nunn 3 4. Nunn ranked rural issues as the least important (#22!) in her policy positions but said she should appear in “rural settings” to appeal to those voters. Authentic. Nunn 4 5. Nunn’s campaign stereotypes Jews as a “financial opportunity” and Asians as “very tight.” Yet her position on Israel is still “TBD.” Nunn 5 6. Nunn plans to raise more money out of state ($3.8 million) than from Georgians ($3 million). Nunn 6 7. The DSCC ranked Nunn’s campaign as their 11th priority, behind Udall, Merkley, and Franken. Nunn 7 8. Nunn does not plan to vet donors. (That must explain fundraising with an ex-felon). Nunn 8

Tennant Campaigns For Obama

Natalie Tennant has come out with an ad where she says that she will stand up to President Obama and anyone else who attacks coal. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton’s recent rhetoric on immigration shows she has an eye on 2016 and won’t be afraid to move left in order to appease the progressive base. [Read more…]

Last week, the New York Times revealed John Walsh plagiarized his War College thesis.

Letting out their frustrations at a fundraiser this weekend, Walsh supporters chatting with the Senator had a choice gesture for a video tracker at Saturday’s event in Helena. [Read more…]

Remember your first encounter with sarcasm?

Using a report from KCTV7 News, a mock news site in the vein of The Onion or ClickHole.com, Think Progress mounted their high horse attacking Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann in a 627-word diatribe for a proposal she never supported. [Read more…]

2014officespace15 In apparent admission of his campaign’s struggles, Bruce Braley’s campaign has taken some dramatic stepsduring the last month. The changes included firing Obama ad-maker Larry Grisolano and pollster Diane Feldman, Politico reported yesterday, in an attempt to redirect Braley’s floundering campaign. But as Maggie Haberman puts it, the issue isn’t the campaign–it’s the candidate:

“The main source of concern about Braley’s performance has tended to be the candidate himself. Still, the race between Braley, a Democratic congressman whose time on the trail has been marked by unforced errors, and Ernst, a military veteran who had support from establishment and tea party factions in her primary, has become razor-close in the past few weeks.”

All the pollsters and ad-makers in the world aren’t going to make up for dissing farmers, suing neighbors, and skipping hearings. Did you consider  firing the candidate?

Hillary Clinton’s revisionist history of her record on Russia is growing remarkably more absurd by the day.

In an excerpt from her interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Clinton makes eyebrow-raising claims about her record on Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Clinton first claims that she – the individual who met with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and hit the symbolic ‘reset’ button before scores of reporters – was actually “among the most skeptical” of the policy.

So while Clinton has been patting herself on the back for a ‘reset’ policy, which she recently dubbed a “brilliant stroke,” she’s also oddly claiming to have been a skeptic all along.

One minute later, Clinton makes the claim that her views on Russia hardened even further when Vladimir Putin announced he would reclaim the role as President of Russia in the fall of 2011. However, that comes months before her spring 2012 interview with CNN, in which she brushed off GOP criticism of the Administration’s weakness toward Putin’s Russia, and actually declared the country an “ally” of the United States.

Sorry Secretary, it’s too late to hit the ‘reset’ button on your record with Russia.

Democrats in Iowa are drawing attention for a Facebook post that calls President Ronald Reagan a “white supremacist.”

The Black Hawk County Democrats posted an image on their Facebook page on July 15 that had side-by-side images of Presidents Reagan and Obama with the caption, “One was a white supremacist. The other isn’t.” [Read more…]

Claire Underwood

While overseeing a non-profit merger, Michelle Nunn laid off 90 employees while her own salary more than doubled to $300,000. Today, PolitiFact rated both claims as true. [Read more…]