What’s Behind Clinton’s Secret Meeting With Labor Leaders?

Category: AR PAC

Maloney Tank

Last month Sean Patrick Maloney had an extravagant wedding that was well documented by a drone. Perhaps the most extravagant part of all was the security detail, which included: U.S. Capitol Hill Police, New York State Police, Putnam County Sheriff’s Department, and Cold Spring Police. All of this security forced drivers to find another way to get in and out of town. Unfortunately for Putnam County taxpayers, it gets worse. As The Putnam County News and Recorder notes, the taxpayers got stuck with the bill

“Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney’s wedding earlier this month in Cold Spring cost Putnam taxpayers $7,500. The Putnam Legislature’s Audit Committee heard a report on the cost of providing security for the affair from Undersheriff Peter Convery Monday night.”

And just take a look at the kind of security detail at this wedding: THERE’S A TANK!

During the 2012 campaign, Cheri Bustos said she doesn’t “deserve a second term” if she couldn’t end congressional gridlock.


Reporter: “You know, you mentioned the gridlock. Going in and obviously, really, how, is it as easy as what it may seem? You talk about the gridlock and as far as getting rid of that and working with others, how do you plan to do that more specifically?”

Bustos: “I can tell you this, that the people who live in this region are sick and tired of how Congress has behaved. This is the most dysfunctional session of Congress in history. They have a single digit approval rating. And so the people are crying out for change. And beyond the 17th congressional district, the American public is crying out for it. So I think that if we don’t change that, there’s a, I can tell you if I’m elected and I don’t play a part in solving this, then I don’t deserve a second term. I’ve already said I’m going to reach out to every new freshman member. I’m going to reach across to Aaron Schock, if he’s reelected, I’ll make sure I work closely with him and we’re going to do the best we can do for the state of Illinois.”

Hillary Clinton Benghazi

Three years after Hillary Clinton pushed for the U.S. intervention in Libya, the Los Angeles Times has reported  that “Islamist militias said they had taken control of Libya’s second largest city, Benghazi, on Thursday, declaring it ‘an Islamic emirate.’”

[Read more…]

So, about that “lifelong Republican” ad that Mark Begich’s campaign began airing this week…

The Alaska Dispatch News reports the man who says in the ad “I’ve been a lifelong Republican” has actually never registered as a Republican in Alaska. [Read more…]

It’s been a very bad week for John Walsh, and he’s now running scared. With no defense to his plagiarism scandal, Walsh decided not to participate on a veterans’ panel at the National Press Club. That’s too bad. It would have been a great opportunity for him to discuss that “pesky” War College paper that he plagiarized. [Read more…]

Joker Burning Money

Gary Peters, a Michigan Democrat known for investing in a company that has moved overseas to avoid paying taxes, is in hot water again. [Read more…]

Nunn bff

Michelle Nunn’s devastating internal campaign memo has brought light to some of her greatest vulnerabilities. Among them? The notion that “Nunn is Obama’s/Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi Best Friend.”

While Nunn has been trying to keep her friendship with Harry Reid private, Reid has been much more open about his thoughts on Nunn. [Read more…]

Burn “Disastrous,” “jarring,” “unsettling,” and “telling.” These are just a few of the adjectives The Augusta Chronicle’s editorial board used to describe Michelle Nunn’s leaked campaign memo.The Georgia paper brutally criticized the Nunn campaign for the “stark revelations” that “looks hard to repair.” [Read more…]


Back in May, the Washington Post legitimately asked how long the Obama PAC “Organizing For Action” (OFA) could survive before dying a quiet, lonely death. [Read more…]

According to Fox NY the latest ad by Bloomberg’s anti-gun group is so intense  “just might send people to the gun store.” Yikes.

And this isn’t the first time a Bloomberg ad missed its mark. [Read more…]