Cortez Masto’s (D-NV) $215,000 “Juice Job”

Category: AR PAC

In an editorial board interview with the Sun Sentinel, Florida Democrat Charlie Crist said “I don’t fly around in a private jet. I don’t just talk to heads of corporations.”

Wait a second… [Read more…]

Voldemort and Malfoy

A new report shows Mary Landrieu is using her “clout” in the Senate to help Venezuela, whose officials have been accused by the U.S. State Department and lawmakers of violating the human rights of government protesters there. [Read more…]

Bruce Braley continues to get serious blowback from his ridiculous chicken lawsuit. The latest to weigh in? His Republican opponent, Joni Ernst in the Washington Post: [Read more…]

Prince Harry Reid thought he had orchestrated a masterful political stroke to keep Max Baucus’ Senate seat in Montana in Democrat hands..  He had his man. Plagiarist John Walsh.

So Reid intimidated and bullied any would be challengers, avoiding the messiness that comes with unfettered democracy. [Read more…]

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski has finally had enough.

Earlier today, Murkowski slapped Mark Begich with a cease and desist letter demanding the Alaska Democrat take down a campaign ad that prominently features Murkowski. [Read more…]

On Monday, Martin O’Malley woke up long enough from his nap to tell Jorge Ramos that “it probably is time” for the NFL’s Washington Redskins to change their name.

[Read more…]

Colorado Democrat Gov. John Hickenlooper pulled a Hillary back in June when he met with the Colorado Sheriffs.

Video from shows Hickenlooper explaining that public service, like becoming sheriff or governor, isn’t about the money. [Read more…]

Just like the Clintons, Ready For Hillary will take money from anyone. On August 22nd, the group will hold a fundraiser co-hosted by disgraced former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine.

After being booted out of the Governor’s Office by Chris Christie in 2009, Corzine started the brokerage firm MF Global that lost $1.7 billion in customer funds and wreaked havoc on farmers in the heartland of America after going bankrupt in 2011 for making “disturbing” and “risky” bets on European debt. MF Global was investigated by the FBI, a bi-partisan Congress and Jon Corzine was personally sued by U.S. regulators. Corzine’s money is so toxic that in 2011, President Obama returned over $70,000 in Corzine’s money. But that won’t stop the Clintons and their allies from cashing in.

Corzine has a long history of paying for Clinton influence – attending a controversial White House Coffee in the 1990s, being one of the first to endorse Hillary in 2007 and paying the Clinton-world consulting firm Teneo hundreds of thousands of dollars per month for consulting services at MF Global while Bill was on the payroll. Given the Clinton’s track record of skirting ethical lines, it should come as no surprise Corzine is now immersing himself with Ready For Hillary!

two! It appears Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is taking a page out of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s playbook.

In April, Quinn’s patronage hiring landed him in hot water. (Let’s not forget that such hiring practices were the modus operandi of imprisoned Rod Blagojevich.) [Read more…]

A day after Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball changed New York’s 19th district race to Leans Republican, a union-commissioned poll found that Sean Eldridge is losing by 27 points!


Yes you read that right, Gibson is beating Eldridge 56% to 29%:


Looks like Eldridge’s $1.34 million investment in the race isn’t paying off.