Washington Free Beacon: Democrat Mows Down Small, Innocent Children at July 4th Parade

Category: AR PAC

Mary Landrieu just loves to fly on the taxpayers dime. After getting caught for billing taxpayers for a private charter flight for $3,200 to attend a fundraiser – which is against the law – it has now been revealed that Landrieu did it again (!!!), bilking taxpayers for $5,700. [Read more…]

Democrat incumbent John Tierney could not answer a simple yes or no question at a debate today. The question: are his constituents better off today than they were two years ago? Every other debate participant on stage had a clear, easy one word answer: “No.” [Read more…]

Ready for Hillary top strategist and former Obama advisor Mitch Stewart was asked by POLITICO’s Mike Allen whether he could get excited about a Clinton 2016 campaign. Stewart’s response? “You fall in love once, right” and for him that love was Obama 2008.

He then concedes that he’s happy to work for Hillary since she has the best chance to win. And notes that the Ready for Hillary infrastructure could be passed on to another candidate if she doesn’t run.


Democrat Presidential Slogans:
2008: Change You Can Believe In. Yes We Can.
2016: Meh, I guess she’s our best shot.

Turns out the chickens the fowl-adverse Braleys’ spent this spring chasing off their lawn weren’t just any chickens. They’re chickens that children dealing with abuse, autism or social disorders use in therapy sessions, Yahoo! News reported.

[Read more…]

Today, Amanda Renteria released a statement praising the 61st anniversary of Social Security:

“In honor of the 61st Anniversary of Social Security being signed into law, I would also like to address the importance of protecting our parents and grandparents in the Central Valley by strengthening our social security benefits.”

But the Social Security Administration is celebrating its 79th anniversary! In a way, Renteria must support lowering the Social Security retirement age.

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Learjet31A_1.jpgApparently, Mary Landrieu loves having taxpayers pay for things. After CNN reported earlier this week that Landrieu had billed taxpayers for a private flight to a personal campaign event for $3,200 – something that’s against the law – CNN is now reporting that Landrieu has done it again. [Read more…]

Michelle Nunn Land Deal That memo from Michelle Nunn’s campaign continues to be a burden. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported ($) tonight that Michelle Nunn partnered with Washington, D.C. insider lobbyists in a multi-million dollar land deal near Brunswick, Georgia in 2004. [Read more…]

Mary Landrieu is grounded today over news that she charged a campaign flight to taxpayers. Check out the brutal TV coverage in the new America Rising video above and the equally brutal headlines below:

CNN: Sen. Mary Landrieu’s campaign flight was charged to taxpayers

New Orleans Times-Picayune: Mary Landrieu used taxpayer money to fly to campaign event, CNN reports

ABC News: Mary Landrieu Takes Heat for Spending Public Money on Private Flight

The Hill: Landrieu campaign trip billed to taxpayers

The Hill reported that Alison Lundergan Grimes is one of the biggest recipients of Hollywood campaign cash this cycle, a good indicator that her policies are more aligned with President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid than with Kentucky.



Mets High Five

This month, Michael Bloomberg’s Independence USA PAC purchased over $150,000 in television ads in an effort to defeat the pro gun-rights Milwaukee County Sheriff in the Democrat primary. It was his first purchase of TV time in a local race this year.

But once again, Bloomberg’s money couldn’t buy an election. [Read more…]