Roger “Headache” Clinton: 6 Things You Didn’t Know About The Former “First Brother”

Category: AR PAC

Sean Eldridge thinks you should vote for Sean Eldridge, or at least that is how Sean Eldridge would say it. In just five seconds, Sean Eldridge referred to Sean Eldridge as Sean Eldridge twice. Well, Sean Eldridge, we are glad you were able to fit all of your supporter in your first TV ad.

Sean Eldridge.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) Senate map continues to shrink. This time it’s South Dakota, where Reid openly said to reporters that Rick Weiland, the Democrat that’s running, is going to lose. [Read more…]

dog flop

Democrat Ohio gubernatorial candidate Ed FitzGerald is experiencing “a potential mass exodus” of his top aides and consultants as his campaign has been “under a siege of negativity.” [Read more…]


Alison Lundergan Grimes’ father, Jerry Lundergan, is doing everything he can to help his daughter win the Kentucky Senate race this November—even if it means possibly breaking the law. [Read more…]

BoulderFail Congressman Rick Nolan, an outspoken decrier of special interest and corporate money in politics, criticized his GOP opponent for receiving a contribution from Koch Industries Inc. PAC. [Read more…]


Mary Landrieu is at it again. Politico is reporting that there are two more improperly charged flights from 2012 that were campaign-related but paid for by the taxpayers, which is against the law. [Read more…]

On the day after she was nominated to run for Senate by Montana Democrats, Amanda Curtis started hiding from Montana voters. In this video, she covers her face like you usually only see from someone leaving a police station. Why is Curtis already hiding? [Read more…]

Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton: two households both alike in dignity. Both wealthy and politically connected, only one flies coach and poses for pictures with smiling fans. The other has demands in their contract demanding they stay in the presidential suite and be flown around in a private jet – nothing less than a Gulfstream G450. Care to guess which one is which?

[Read more…]

At a parade in Londonderry, NH on August 16, 2014, a constituent confronts Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) about how she promised insurance rates would decrease under ObamaCare. Shaheen, clearly agitated at the audacity of someone confronting her, snaps back, “They have for some people.”

Nice response, Senator. Nice response.

For the second day in a row, Andrew Romanoff dodged answering whether or not he supports building the Keystone pipeline. [Read more…]