Former Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton Dodging Foreign Policy Questions

Category: AR PAC

A man of Bruce Braley’s “impressive pedigree” has to look good on camera – even when he’s joining the commoners on the farm. Luckily, America Rising was there to capture Braley’s farm-side prep session for a new web video released today. The video includes pancake make-up application, complete with a staffer trying half-heartedly to block the painstaking work from camera view. [Read more…]

While Mary Landrieu likes to illegally charge taxpayers thousands of dollars for expensive, private charter flights to campaign events, she wasn’t too excited to see an Air Mary flight crew at the Louisiana Secretary of State’s office today helping her safely land. [Read more…]

During the Dakotafest Senate Candidate Forum Rick Weiland told South Dakotans he’s never been to Washington. But that claim just doesn’t stand up to the facts.

The truth is Weiland started his career back in 1986 serving as senior aide to Senator Daschle on Capitol Hill. From 2003 to 2012 Weiland continued to be a creature of D.C. as leader of the International Code Council.

In fact, Weiland bragged about the ICC office’s proximity to the Capitol Building:

“‘Our new world headquarters will be just two blocks from the U.S. Capitol Building,’ said Code Council CEO Rick Weiland.”

How can Rick Weiland expect South Dakotans to trust him with their tax dollars when he can’t even keep track of his own resume? No wonder Harry Reid thinks he has no shot.

Jeanne Shaheen is playing politics with New Hampshire’s veterans.

In an op-ed in the Union-Leader written by Pete Hegseth of Concerned Veterans for America (CVA), Hegseth takes Shaheen to task for ignoring veterans issues before national attention was focused on the VA over the mistreatment of our veterans. [Read more…]

In a closed-door, Democrat club meeting, Scott Peters demeaned his openly gay opponent and Mia Love, a black Republican.

PETERS: “And now he’s saying, now he’s saying, ‘Well, I’m a gay man, I must be moderate. I’m pro-choice, I’m pro-environment. And I gotta tell ya, around the country, where people don’t know him, they completely buy it. Carl DeMaio has gotten more—it’s so unusual for them to see a gay man running as a Republican. Now, San Diego’s a little different. We’ve been electing LGBT candidates since the ‘90s when Chris Kehoe got elected. Our district attorney is a lesbian Republican. ‘Well who does she have lunch with?’ [Laughter]. And obviously, you know, the Speaker of the Assembly is our own Toni Atkins, who is also… So, we’re pretty used to it, but around the country this thought that there would be any gay elected officials is very novel. He’s gotten stories in The Wall Street Journal, he’s gotten stories in the National Journal, all puff pieces about how this great, new, moderate, gay Republican is coming out and running for office. And they’re very psyched about it. And the Republicans in D.C., they love this. They think, ‘Wow, this guy is gonna change our party’ because all they need—they don’t have any out, gay members of Congress, the Republicans don’t. They also don’t have any African Americans. They’re gonna get one and Mia Love in Utah is just a real right-wing person.”


Gary Peters’ “portfolio full of blue chip stocks” is showing off his hypocrisy as he talks one way, but invests his own money another way. [Read more…]

Primary season is over in Alaska, which means it’s time for Mark Begich to own up to his failed record. Alaskans have suffered six long years with Begich as Senator. Here are just a few of his many failings: [Read more…]


Senator Mary Landrieu repeatedly billed taxpayers for her private campaign trips. In honor of National Aviation Day, we want YOU to tweet Landrieu your appreciation for her spending your money on her private flights!

Here are some suggested tweets:

I hope you enjoyed all your private flights on the taxpayer dime, @MaryLandrieu! #tcot #nola

Thanks for spending my hard-earned money on your private flights, @MaryLandrieu! #tcot #nola


Happy National Aviation Day, Mary Landrieu!


The taxpayers who paid for your campaign flights

In his latest campaign ad, Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) claims he’s “standing up to the Obama EPA.” However, Rahall’s record tells a different story. Here are 7 ways Rahall has laid down for Obama’s EPA.

1) In his stunningly bad judgment, Rahall endorsed Obama in 2008 because he thought Obama was pro-coal:

2) Rahall went all-in for Obama, calling Obama “an agent for true change” who would “provide progress and prosperity for all Americans, including hard- working West Virginians”

3) Rahall accepted Obama’s thanks for being a “wonderful” supporter:

4) Rahall and Obama were so attached at the hip they played pool together:

5) Rahall returned Obama’s friendship by supporting cap-and-trade, saying scheme would be “good for us in the coal fields”:

6) Rahall voted for a carbon tax.

7) Rahall attended a special ceremony at the Washington headquarters for Obama’s EPA.