Florida Democrat’s Mansion Migraine

Category: AR PAC

Nanny Bloomberg himself might think he can walk into heaven without being interviewed by St. Peter, but his employees are apparently even more invested in the cult of Mike.

[Read more…]

she doesn't even go hereMary Landrieu has been subpoenaed to appear before a Louisiana court to convince the judge that she actually lives in the state and is qualified to run for the Senate. That may be difficult to prove. Landrieu doesn’t actually have a home in Louisiana. [Read more…]

Aaaaaand that’s how it’s done.

During tonight’s NC Senate debate, Kay Hagan made it clear she is the last person in America that found out people were losing their health care plans because of ObamaCare. After voting for ObamaCare’s grandfather clause in 2010, Hagan said she didn’t find out until the Fall of 2013 that North Carolinians were losing their plans because of this rule.

Sen. Hagan’s ignorance of the effects of Obamacare won’t be much solace to North Carolinians who lost their plans.


Today, the Kansas Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Paul Davis, released an ad that featured actor Jeff Montague (left). In the ad, Davis turns to Montague and says “You’re not so bad yourself.”

However, records uncovered by the Kansas GOP show that Montague was arrested in a prostitution sting [Read more…]

Today, at a town hall debate, Virginia Democrat John Foust had no clue what he thinks about the Keystone pipeline, giving three different answers on the same question during the same debate.

Congressman Mike Capuano (D-MA) didn’t sound too thrilled about Martha Coakley’s likely nomination. He told reporters:

“I think she’s been a great attorney general and I think if she gets elected, she would be a good governor. But it doesn’t mean I think she’s the best candidate.” [Read more…]

Poor John Tierney. The career politician is having a rough week. Earlier, two major newspapers endorsed his opponents in the upcoming Democrat primary.

And now, new video is exposing Tierney as a typical Washington politician—saying one thing to a group of supporters while doing another behind closed doors. [Read more…]


In an absolutely jaw-dropping act of stupidity, Alabama Democrat congressional candidate Jesse Smith tweeted Monday evening that “the actions of Republicans are worse than ISIL.” Many lives have been lost due to the actions of ISIL, but apparently that doesn’t stop Smith from creating abhorrent political talking points. [Read more…]

Massachusetts’ 6th Congressional District is done with nine-term Congressman John Tierney. Or, at least, that’s the word from the local editorial boards.

This morning, both the Boston Globe and The Lowell Sun agreed: anyone but Tierney. [Read more…]