Critical Reviews Of Clinton’s First Interview Dominate Sunday Shows

Category: AR PAC


Alison Lundergan Grimes has been trying in vain to distance herself from Obama. But the latest news that her parents, Jerry and Charlotte Lundergan, visited the Obama White House in 2012 around the same time national Democrats were “furiously recruiting” Grimes to run for office aren’t helping her. [Read more…]

Michelle Nunn is getting even more star power this week to help her Senate campaign in Georgia. Today, healthy living guru and First Lady Michelle Obama will fundraise for Nunn.

This puts some pressure on Nunn who has done her best to conceal her support for President Obama and his initiatives. [Read more…]

Over the weekend, Fox News interviewed the authors of a new book, 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi, written by security contractors at the CIA annex compound in Benghazi, that contained fresh perspective on CIA delays in Benghazi that left the consulate unprotected during the attacks.

A previous Senate Select Committee report found that “there was no formal written agreement about how security should be handled between the {State Department and CIA facilities} in Benghazi” which could have led to delays and confusion. Such formal agreements are under the purview of the Secretary of State per U.S. code.

The top 3 takeaways from the Fox interview:

1. CIA contractors understood that the diplomatic facility in Benghazi was insecure and bluntly told the mission that a terrorist attack would be deadly.

2. During the attack, the CIA contractors were repeatedly told to stand down and not rush to the diplomatic facility and defend Ambassador Stevens and the rest at the facility.

3. The contractors believe that had they not been told to stand down, Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith would be alive today.



Mark Udall – he who votes with President Obama 99% of the time and enjoys time with him on the golf course – tried to sell Colorado voters this bill of goods in Saturday night’s kickoff Club 20 debate in Grand Junction.

“Let me tell you, the White House when they look down the front lawn the last person they want to see coming is me. {LAUGHTER}”

Former Senator Udall and President Obama will have an awkward laugh about this on the first tee next year.


One person who isn’t phased by Andrew Cuomo’s attempts to meddle with an independent ethics commission is Hillary Clinton – someone who has no problem skirting the line when it comes to ethical governance. [Read more…]

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Mary Landrieu has to go before a judge today to prove she’s actually allowed to be Louisiana’s senator! She doesn’t own a home in Louisiana, but owns a $2.5 million mansion in D.C.

It’s okay Mary Landrieu! No matter what, you’re ALWAYS D.C.’s senator! ♥ ♥ mary_landrieu_louisiana_dc

Deleware Gov. Jack Markell tweeted a photo of a woman in bondage gear and quickly deleted it.

He then issued an apology tweet in which he misspelled inadvertently. [Read more…]

The largest newspaper in Arkansas just turned up the heat on Mark Pryor. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s editorial board ridiculed Pryor for fear mongering over his discredited Ebola ad.

The editorial board then pointed out just how worthless Pryor has been in the Senate. [Read more…]

harry potterMark Udall was elected to the Senate on a lie. The Denver Post reported that in 2008 Udall told Coloradans during a debate that he was not for the public option but instead wanted to enhance and improve “the employer-based system that we have.” [Read more…]

Appearing out on the campaign trail, House Democrat Whip Steny Hoyer said that parents shouldn’t always push for their kids to attend college. The Quad-City Times reports that Hoyer said that college isn’t the only path to success:

One of the country’s top Democrats was in the Quad-Cities on Wednesday…saying parents shouldn’t be so single-minded about pushing their children to go to college.” 

Instead of praising the value of a college education in tough economic times, Democrats are now promoting alternatives and telling parents that their dreams and aspirations for their children are too high.

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