PA Democrats Not Enamored With Sestak

Category: AR PAC

In typically Clintonian fashion, just one day after two national polls showed overwhelming support for a more aggressive foreign policy strategy in confronting the terrorist group ISIS, and widespread disapproval for Obama’s leadership, anonymous Clinton aides are attempting to posture the former Secretary of State away from her old boss.

But the reality is Sec. Clinton herself echoed Obama’s indecisive, wait-and-see approach just a few weeks ago.

Speaking at the BIO International conference in San Diego, she said the U.S. “should not be committed to doing very much at all” in Iraq. She went on saying that we need a “clearer understanding” of all the players in the region and that there are “unanswered questions.”  In closing she said that she wouldn’t “be in favor of doing more than what the President has already agreed to.”

Watch Clinton parrot Obama’s ISIS position:

A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has Hillary Clinton’s numbers starting to erode among Democrats, and barely above water among independents:

But Ms. Clinton has also fallen out of favor with some Democrats and independents, as well. In 2009, 87% of Democrats viewed her positively, compared with a meager 3% who viewed negatively. In the latest poll, 72% of Democrats view Ms. Clinton positively, while 13% harbor negative views. Independents were twice as likely to view her positively as negatively in 2009. Now, they are more evenly split, with 40% holding positive views and 35% viewing her negatively.

Clinton’s numbers overall have fallen as well, with barely 4 in 10 voters having a positive view of her:

The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found 43% of registered voters view Ms. Clinton positively, compared with the 41% who harbor negative views. That’s a steep drop from February 2009 when 59% viewed the newly confirmed secretary of state positively and just 22% held negative views. The numbers suggest Americans are far less charitable about Ms. Clinton when she is seeking office or, in this case, merely considering it than they are about other politicians who retire from public office.


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Nunn Hollywood

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