Washington Examiner: America Rising launches nonprofit affiliate

Category: AR PAC

Private jet interiorMary Landrieu is a serial private flyer and she loves doing it on the taxpayers’ dime.

New documents recently uncovered suggest taxpayers footed a bill of nearly $18,000 for nine campaign stops, in which Mary Landrieu raked in more than $80,000, between 2000 and 2008.

[Read more…]

Mark Udall participated in 15 debates when he was running for Senate in 2008. But after six years in the Senate and a dismal record to show for it, Udall doesn’t want to debate Gardner on any of Colorado’s major TV stations for Coloradans to see. [Read more…]


If there was one thing Gwen Graham didn’t want people knowing, it is the fact that her first job out of law school was working as a Washington, DC lobbyist. The Tampa Bay Times revealed that Graham worked at a Washington law firm, lobbying for a special interest group, the Secondary Lead Smelters Association. [Read more…]

It’s not ISIS. It’s not the growing national debt or spurring job creation and it’s not even fixing ObamaCare. So what does Democratic Senate candidate Rick Weiland think is the most important issue facing the nation, right now? Campaign finance. Less than an hour before President Obama told the nation what the U.S.’s strategy to combat ISIS would be, Rick Weiland said during the South Dakota Senate Debate Wednesday night that nothing is more important to him than to fix financing campaigns.

Just like so many other Democrats, Sen. Mark Warner told Virginia residents that if they liked their health care plan, they could keep it.

But earlier this week, it was reported that nearly a quarter million Virginians will have to change their insurance plans this fall: [Read more…]

In an interview with CNN, former White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Hillary Clinton will run for president on Obama’s foreign policy record.

CNN: We’re starting to see blind quotes from Hillary Clinton “aides” expressing criticism of Obama’s handling of Syria and Iraq. If she runs for president, how does Hillary balance the thornier parts of Obama’s record with her time in the administration?

CARNEY: Obviously that’s something that she will figure out if she decides to run. She was Secretary of State for President Obama for four years and she understands that that record that will be part of what she runs on. Her time as Secretary of State is something she should be proud of, and the president’s record on foreign policy is something she is more likely to embrace than anything because she was a big part of it

Don’t expect to see Mark Begich touting this fact anytime soon: Alaskans buying mandated insurance under ObamaCare will see a “significant rate hike” in 2015. [Read more…]

Mary Landrieu’s newest ad attacks her opponent for opposing a border fence, saying Landrieu believes the border is the country’s biggest threat. There’s one problem though. Just last year, Landrieu said the border fence was “dumb.” [Read more…]

Last night, Channel 2 Action News broke a story connecting an organization run by Georgia’s House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams in an investigation into allegations of voter fraud. [Read more…]


Looks like 57% of Democrat primary voters agree with Rep. Capuano that Martha Coakley isn’t the best candidate.

Last night, Martha Coakley pulled in less than 50% of the Democrat vote in what the Boston Globe described as an “unnervingly close” victory in the Massachusetts gubernatorial primary. [Read more…]