Clinton Backs Off Her Previous Enrichment Requirements For Iran Deal

Category: AR PAC

Today, the House Committee on Homeland Security held a hearing about the threat the Islamic State poses to the United States. Arizona Democrat Ron Barber didn’t show up.

In honor of Constitution Day, we wanted to show you 7 times Democrats ignored, disregarded, or disrespected America’s founding document!

1) The Missouri Democrat running for Congress in Illinois!

Ann Callis must have missed this part of the Constitution:

“No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.”


2) When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a law that this MA Democrat defended

The Supreme Court overturned a Massachusetts buffer zone law that Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office was defending. The Court found that the law, which requires protesters to stand more than 35 feet from abortion clinics, unconstitutionally limits certain types of speech. Someone needs to have a better look at the First Amendment.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”


3) The Minnesota Democrat who is violating the Constitutional Amendments he proposed

In 1995, Rep. Collin Peterson voted for several Constitutional Amendments that would have imposed term limits, one of which would have limited Representatives to six years in office. Peterson is now 17 years over that limit. Although the vote failed, he was “firm” in his convictions, saying:

“The term limit issue will be back before Congress in the future, and I will continue to support it.”

Kidding_ jk

4) Peterson ALSO tried to have his district secede from the United States to Canada!

In 1998, Collin Peterson introduced a Constitutional Amendment to allow a part of his Minnesota district to secede from the United States to Canada.


5) That time this Democrat said the Constitution was 400 years old.

Sheila Jackson Lee said the Constitution is 400 years old. It’s currently 227 years old.


6) Remember when President Obama said the Constitution is “deeply flawed”…


7) And that time MN Rep. Rick Nolan agreed?

  1. The Clinton State Department did not follow security standards and engaged in a “purposeful effort to skirt [physical security] standards.”
  2. The Accountability Review Board (ARB) does not fit “anyone’s definition of being fiercely independent.”
  3. The State Department “made up” the term for the Benghazi diplomatic facility to intentionally avoid security standards.
  4. The Accountability Review Board (ARB) Clinton often cites was limited in its ability to investigate the Benghazi attacks and those limitations clearly impacted its effectiveness.
  5. The State Department rejected “the most important” recommendation made by the independent best practices panel.
  6. Four Americans “paid the price” for the Clinton State Department’s communications and logistical failures.
  7. Two security tripwires were tripped prior to the Benghazi attack.
  8. Former high-ranking DHS official and member of the independent review panel, Todd Keil, said he would have been “extremely frustrated” if he was on the ground in Benghazi.

Watch as EPA official Janet McCabe’s proposal to cap carbon emissions in the U.S. had a very real impact on electricity.

Liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren loves her some Alison Lundergan Grimes. At an event in Washington DC this morning, Warren had this to say about Grimes:

“Alison Lundergan Grimes, man, she’s tough. And she’s good. And she’s smart. And she’s good on the issues.”

[Read more…]

Bruce Braley is still upset about the fact that his neighbor’s chickens dared to mosey onto his lawn in Iowa. Two months ago, it was reported that trial-lawyer Bruce Braley threatened to sue his neighborhood association over therapeutic chickens wandering onto his lawn. This was met with well-deserved mockery, including by his opponent Joni Ernst who noted “It’s Iowa, get over yourself.” Well Braley apparently isn’t over the breach of property. In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash this AM, Braley expressed his frustration:

“What’s so strange about this story is it’s an example of where, when somebody else’s animals are in your yard, you’re the bad neighbor,” Braley huffed. 

Seems Congressman Braley can’t let the chicken issue lie.


Yesterday, issued a correction for a statement about Mark Warner that has been proven to be true by PolitiFact. [Read more…]

Orman secrets

Greg Orman is running for Senate in Kansas. While Orman has strong ties to the Democrat Party, that’s a fact he’s trying to conceal from voters.

But it turns out Orman has a lot from his past he’d like to conceal from voters. Take his ties to Rajat Gupta, for example. [Read more…]

In the same rope line in which Hillary Clinton refused to address questions about immigration reform at an event in Iowa, CSPAN cameras caught Clinton in another awkward interaction.

A supporter asks Clinton to write “Jermaine” on an item she is signing. She responds, “I just can sign my name.”

Sorry Jermaine! [Read more…]

In 1999, President Bill Clinton, who is campaigning with Arizona Democrat Fred Duval today, made the controversial decision to grant clemency to 16 Puerto Rican terrorists. Duval joined the Clinton Administration in 1997 and was a cochair of the Interagency Working Group on Puerto Rico which advocated for clemency.

The FALN and Matcheteros Puerto Rican separatist groups had been involved in bomb making and had purchased assault weapons and grenades. The White House claimed the terrorists had received excessive punishment.

And prior to granting these terrorists clemency, out of almost 3,300 requests, the White House had offered clemency only 3 times. Nonetheless, the 16 terrorists were offered clemency as well.

Following the controversial decision, emails subpoenaed by lawmakers showed the overtly political nature of the decision, and Duval’s personal involvement.