Hillary Clinton Endorses Iran Deal Opposed By Some Of America’s Middle East Allies

Category: AR PAC


Last week, reporters began looking into Kansas Democrat Greg Orman’s past, including ties with felon Rajat Gupta. At the time, Orman admitted to having what he called a “very, very small” investment with Gupta of no more than $50,000 (which is about the median household annual income in Kansas). [Read more…]


Alison Lundergan Grimes can’t seem to get out from under the cloud of her shady business dealings with her father, Jerry Lundergan. The Lexington Herald-Leader reported that Grimes owns a stake in Glenncase, LLC, which bought a controversial property. [Read more…]


Jeanne Shaheen likes to tell supporters that she knows the challenges small business owners are facing because the New Hampshire Democrat once owned a small business with her husband.

What she doesn’t tell folks is that she co-ran ‘Bill & Bobs – A Sterling Example’ “that once sold thousands of dollars-worth of stolen jewelry,” [Read more…]


Alaska Democrat Mark Begich voted for a second time yesterday to allow President Obama to take executive action on immigration. Yesterday’s vote would have allowed a vote on an amendment to stop the President from bypassing Congress and granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. [Read more…]

At a fundraising event in California today, Kentucky Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes told staffers about what a great time she’s been having there while her poll numbers are taking a hit back home.

“Got a chance to see part of the country. It’s been great.”

[Read more…]

Michelle Nunn grew up in ritzy suburbs of Washington, D.C.; however, she’s now telling voters that she spent “most” of her childhood in Georgia.

PolitiFact took note of Nunn’s deception and rated her claim of spending “most” of her childhood in Georgia as false. [Read more…]


A former Democrat Oklahoma State Senator, Jay Paul Gumm, is facing embezzlement charges for forging signatures and cashing checks from the Stone County Economic Development Partnership in Mississippi. [Read more…]

In a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that Assad had violated the chemical weapons convention with his use of chlorine gas.

While Clinton has hamhandedly tried to distance herself from Obama’s disastrous Syria policy as she lays the groundwork for a presidential campaign, she supported him repeatedly in the months following her departure from Foggy Bottom.

When Obama originally accepted the chemical weapons deal in September, Clinton supported him. In her book, Hard Choices, Hillary Clinton once again came out in support of the agreement saying it “has held.”

All this came after Obama had drawn a red line in Syria at the use of chemical weapons. Clinton backed his red line.

It’s one thing to support a president with record low ratings on foreign policy, but trusting Syrian President Assad to end the use of chemical weapons is another.

To most people, it’s no surprise Assad is not the “reformer” Clinton once said he was.

State Department Waste In Afghanistan

It was revealed today that the State Department under Secretary Hillary Clinton wasted $6.5 million on communication towers in Afghanistan. The waste was revealed in a letter from John Sopko, the Special Inspector General For Afghanistan Reconstruction.  [Read more…]

As Clinton travels the country running for president and her shadow campaign sends staffers to early-nominating and swing states, an anti-Hillary movement is starting… and it is not being run by Republicans. [Read more…]