Clinton Returns To Ropegate State Amid New Media Angst Stories

Category: AR PAC

Greg Orman is trying to deceive Kansas voters in his campaign for the Senate. Though he ran previously as a Democrat, has Democratic staff, and donated to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, he claims to be an “Independent.” [Read more…]


During his time as a Fairfax County Supervisor, Democrat John Foust voted for budgets that increased the real estate tax rate by 22.5%!


John Foust voted for budgets that increased spending by 12.73% as a Fairfax County Supervisor.

John Foust is the Democrat running for Congress in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District. [Read more…]

Everyone has heard it countless times. The 2013 Lie of the Year: “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” With the onset of ObamaCare, millions of Americans know that’s just not true.

But apparently Tim Bishop is not among those millions. [Read more…]

The Democrats in the New York State Senate must be looking to re-fill their quota of indicted members of their caucus.

Democrat David Denenberg, a Long Island legislator running for state senate was called (by his own law firm) “an arch and devious criminal.”

[Read more…]


Greg Orman is playing a game with Kansas voters. Here’s how it works: tell everyone you’re tired of politics as usual and that neither political party has your loyalty. But behind the scenes, and here’s the fun part, run your campaign as part of the Democrat Party machine. [Read more…]

While the Clintons hobnob with members of the global elite, speak in corporate buzzterms and “recognize” CEOs of Fortune 100 companies for their corporate contributions to Clinton-approved projects, the Clintons are sweeping under the rug actions they’ve praised and advocated for that resulted in human rights catastrophes.

Later this morning, General Motors’ CEO Mary Barra and Alibaba’s Jack Ma will participate in a panel discussion on why businesses need to redefine value to include social progress. Ironically, in just the last couple years, both of these companies have gotten away with inhibiting social progress abroad after being hailed by the Clintons.

In 2012, Human Rights Watch reported that GM employees in Uzbekistan were forced to pick cotton in order for the government to reach its yearly quota – a policy of forced labor. Despite condemnation from a host of NGOs, Hillary Clinton’s State Department refused to sanction General Motors and waived its authority downgrade Uzbekistan in its annual Trafficking in Persons Report.

A major reason for Alibaba’s success is its acquiescence to China’s efforts to shut Western businesses out of the country’s e-commerce market. Alibaba conforms to internet censorship rules and Jack Ma publicly supported the 1989 crackdown on protestors in Tiananmen Square – one of the most significant pro-democracy demonstrations in Chinese history. While the Clintons overlook Ma’s record on censorship and democracy, you can be sure they aren’t forgetting the $1.25 million in donations his company made to the Clinton Foundation.

How progressive!

Obamas-third-term-hillary-clinton Although her presidential campaign has been effectively in full gear since her book tour started in June, Hillary Clinton has still not explained her vision for her campaign. One thing is clear though; a Hillary Clinton presidency will be little more than an Obama 3rd term. Here’s how you know:

Top 10 Reasons Why Clinton 2016 = Obama’s Third Term by America Rising PAC

See Also: Sign to Stop Hillary: Obama’s 3rd Term!

While in Washington, D.C., Mark Pryor stays with his lobbyist brother, David Pryor Jr., the director of federal government affairs for Microsoft.The Weekly Standard reported on a 2008 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette profile that claimed Pryor “stays in an extra bedroom” at his brother’s house in northwest Washington. [Read more…]