Florida Democrat Desperately Accepts Jerry Springer’s Contribution

Category: AR PAC

Ahh, the benefits of being married to a U.S. Senator. A new report from Politico shows Kay Hagan voted for Obama’s 2009 stimulus, then her husband’s company reaped the benefits and his income increased dramatically: [Read more…]

Grimes went on Kentucky Sports Radio this morning for an “interview,” but it’s hard to say this interaction qualifies as an “interview” when Grimes dodged on just about every topic that was brought up. [Read more…]

Georgia Democrat John Barrow told voters “I don’t vote 85 percent of the time with anyone” in a new ad. But, in a private letter to donors in 2012, he wrote the complete opposite: [Read more…]


The chicken story Bruce Braley just can’t kill got a new wrinkle today when Breitbart News reported Braley neighbor Pauline Hampton announced she would be voting for Braley’s opponent, Joni Ernst. Pauline is a lifelong Dem who hasn’t voted for a Republican in decades. [Read more…]

Last night, Michelle Nunn was asked directly about two Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaints that she identified in her internal campaign memo as vulnerabilities. Nunn refused to release any information about the complaints. [Read more…]


In the midst of a global crisis surrounding the terrorist militant group ISIS in the Middle East, the Boston Herald is reporting that Jeanne Shaheen skipped multiple Senate Foreign Relations hearings. [Read more…]

If it wasn’t clear already, it is now. Last night, Arizona Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick made it clear that she will oppose tax cuts if reelected to Congress.


During the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting, it seems the organization has tasked an aide with the duty (pun intended) of following reporters to the bathroom. As Amy Chozick writes in the New York Times:

“But, for me, perhaps the person who stands out is the friendly 20-something press aide who the Clinton Global Initiative tasked with escorting me to the restroom. She waited outside the stall in the ladies’ room at the Sheraton Hotel, where the conference is held each year.”

The Clinton Global Initiative also keeps the press in the basement and away from guests of the event:

“Security, foundation aides told me, dictates that the hordes of journalists, many of them from overseas news outlets, be cloistered in a basement at the Sheraton. An elaborate maze of security barricades separates where reporters enter and roam (though not freely) from the lobby of the hotel, where actual guests enter.”

For those who might not remember, the Clintons have a history of treating press strangely. In 2008, Hillary Clinton’s campaign let the media set up urinal-adjacent in the men’s room.


Last night, Andrew Romanoff showed everyone again why he is still one of ObamaCare’s biggest fans when he flip-flopped on his support for single-payer healthcare. In 2010, Romanoff not only expressed strong support for a single-payer system, but he even criticized his then-Democrat primary opponent Sen. Michael Bennet for not supporting it. In 2014, in another desperate effort to get elected, Romanoff disavowed his support for single-payer and said sticking with ObamaCare would make Colorado families “more secure” in their healthcare.

UPDATE: Romanoff gives A THIRD answer on his support for a single-payer question. Turns out he is getting so tired of being asked it that in today’s debate, he flat out avoided answering the question entirely.



Chicagoland Democrat Brad Schneider dodges a question on how he would rate President Obama’s job performance: [Read more…]