Obama’s Anti-Coal Catalyst

Category: AR PAC


This weekend, Greg Orman was asked by a Kansas voter if he would vote to repeal ObamaCare, if he were elected to the Senate. Orman told the voter that he asked “an interesting question,” and then Orman walked away without answering. [Read more…]

During tonight’s Iowa Senate debate, Braley took a drubbing from his Republican opponent, Joni Ernst. Here are the top 3 worst moments for Bruce Braley:

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In 2010, Bruce Braley had this to say about ObamaCare: “I wouldn’t vote to repeal anything that is in the bill.”

Now, fighting for his political life, Braley’s tone has suddenly changed! [Read more…]

At a parade in Overland Park, a voter asked pretend-independent candidate Greg Orman if he would vote to repeal ObamaCare.

Orman completely dodges the voter’s question, saying “That’s an interesting question.” Then he walks away. [Read more…]

Just 3 days ago, Rep. Tim Bishop got called out at a debate by his opponent, Lee Zeldin, for continuing to tout the lie of the year—“if you like your health care plan, you can keep it”—on his Congressional website.

At the debate, Bishop’s only reply was “I’ll take that into consideration.” Well, consider it considered. [Read more…]

The pro-Clinton research group Correct the Record’s website has a rather peculiar claim given events in Iraq recently, crediting Hillary Clinton “with helping to bring an end to the war in Iraq.”

Correct Record

SUGGESTED CORRECTION: After Clinton’s role in the mismanaged and premature withdrawal from Iraq, terrorists from the Islamic State (ISIS) have taken over large swathes of Northern Iraq, and parts of Syria, forcing President Obama to order U.S. airstrikes into Iraq and send hundreds of military advisers.


If there’s one safe haven for liberals, it is typically the People’s Republic Of Massachusetts. However, the latest Boston Globe poll has Republican Charlie Baker edging ahead of Democrat Martha Coakley in the state’s gubernatorial election by two points. [Read more…]

Last week it was reported that Bruce Braley backed a 2009 proposal to bring detainees form Guantanamo Bay to America’s heartland, but new video shows just how much Braley relished the plan. [Read more…]

Betting Gif

During her career as a lawyer, Alison Lundergan Grimes represented offshore online gambling websites, which Democrat Gov. Steve Beshear said “deprived Kentucky horse tracks of gambling revenue and posed ‘a tremendous threat’ to Kentuckians,” according to CN2. [Read more…]


Mary Landrieu has been under scrutiny for not actually living in Louisiana – the state she purports to represent. On Fox News, she explained that she “technically” owns her house in Louisiana with her 8 siblings, husband, and mother. But the house clearly doesn’t look big enough for 11 people. She also doesn’t feel the need to share her Washington, D.C. mansion with anyone other than her husband, which raises further doubt about her Louisiana residency.