Bernie Sanders: Beware Clinton Officials

Category: AR PAC

When Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) was asked whether she would vote for ObamaCare again, despite all of the problems that have resulted since implementation, she unequivocally replied, “Yes I would.”

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On the heels of following a reporter into the bathroom, Team Clinton’s penchant for controlling the press is rearing its head again.

The Miami Herald’s Marc Caputo says that at Charlie Crist’s fundraiser this weekend, he was booted by a Secret Service agent and denied re-entry over the Crist campaign’s pleas:

Hillary Clinton’s latest Miami visit served as a fresh illustration of how, whether or not she ever becomes president, she is America’s reigning empress of image-management.

In a replay of her trips here in September 2013 and February of this year, Clinton traveled Thursday to Miami Beach and Coral Gables in a de rigueur cocoon of U.S. Secret Service, cops and yes-men — all dedicated to the proposition that reporters aren’t created equal to contributors and sycophants.

Sure, the Secret Service has had a string of embarrassing security lapses as of late. But when it comes to keeping a free press from freely reporting, the men with guns don’t miss much as they protect a prized asset: a politician’s poll-tested, stage-managed media image.

No press questions, please.

As a result, security booted me and three other reporters Friday night out of the lobby of the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, where Clinton helped Democrat Charlie Crist raise $1 million. The press wasn’t that close to the private fundraiser room across the lobby. Nor were reporters trying to get into the closed-door event.

“We didn’t kick you out,” a Secret Service agent told me defensively after I blamed the agency on Twitter.

“You had him kick me out,” I told the agent, pointing to a Coral Gables police sergeant.

Agent: “No. The hotel staff kicked you out. And the White House kicked you out.”

Me: “The White House?”

Agent: “No, um, her staff.”

Ahh, “her.” She who shall not be named.

At Clinton’s event last year, a docent actually swiped a man’s smartphone when he used it to take a picture of her on stage. The image was erased, and the device was then handed back to him as he protested.

A docent explained: “That’s American politics.”

It certainly is in the world of Clinton’s image-management.

Former CIA Director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta made news this week with an excerpt from his upcoming book criticizing the President’s handling of Iraq. But its new excerpts criticizing Obama’s inaction in Syria that are aiming fire at the judgment of a close ally, former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

In excerpts obtained by The Associated Press, Panetta slams the President for having “vacillated” rather than enforced his “red line” threat against Syria’s Bashar Al Assad’s use of chemical weapons. Panetta calls Obama’s request for congressional authorization “an almost certain way to scotch any action,” adding that it “was a blow to American credibility.”

But while Panetta is critical of Obama reneging on his red line threat, Hillary Clinton, then a private citizen, publicly and forcefully backed the President’s decision:

“Clinton supports the president’s effort to enlist the Congress in pursuing a strong and targeted response to the Assad regime’s horrific use of chemical weapons,” the adviser said in a statement.

AP on Panetta’s book:

But even after Assad used chemical weapons, killing hundreds of Syrian civilians, Obama planned a Rose Garden address in which it was widely expected to announce airstrikes against Assad, Obama instead said he would consult with Congress.

“President Obama vacillated, first indicating that he was prepared to order some strikes, then retreating and agreeing to submit the matter to Congress,” according to an early copy of the book purchased by The Associated Press. “The latter was, as he well knew, an almost certain way to scotch any action. By mid-2013, a majority of Congress could not agree on what day of the week it was, much less a resolution authorizing the use of American force in the Middle East.

“The result, I felt, was a blow to American credibility. When the president as commander in chief draws a red line, it is critical that he act if the line is crossed. … Assad’s action clearly defied President Obama’s warning.”

New York Democrat Sean Eldridge, who has been awarded a spot on the prestigious “Worst Campaigns of 2014″ list, has done it again. [Read more…]

Michelle Nunn’s campaign is sinking, so Sam Nunn is fabricating tall tales to try and keep her viable in the Senate race. Yesterday, the elder Nunn told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Harry Reid told Michelle not to run for the Senate, but she “rejected the advice to withdraw.” [Read more…]

In a Politico magazine piece titled: “They Sent Me to Iraq. Then They Ignored Me,” U.S. Ambassador to Iraq from 2009 to 2010, Christopher Hill, describes a State Department and Secretary of State that was disengaged and largely ignored him: [Read more…]


Last week, Politico reported that Kay Hagan voted for the stimulus, and then her husband’s company received $390,000 in federal grants. During that time, his income jumped by more than $130,000. [Read more…]

Over the last two years, DCCC University has been readying their top recruits to win seats in the House of Representatives in the coming November election. We wanted to give you an update on where they are now. follow_your_dreams Jerry Cannon (MI-01) Despite Cannon’s status as a “top tier recruit,” a top Democratic SuperPAC canceled its ad reservation amid speculation that Democrats are no longer optimistic about their chances in the district. back_away_corgi Martha Robertson (NY-23) Robertson has been underperforming against her GOP opponent and “seems to have flopped.” puppy_flop Ann Callis (IL-13) Callis has “gone nowhere,” and the Democratic House Majority PAC canceled its ad reservation in support of her, suggesting reduced confidence in a Callis victory. going_nowhere Erin Bilbray (NV-03) Bilbray has also “gone nowhere.” puppy Amanda Renteria (CA-21) Her opponent Valadao started out among the 10 most vulnerable Republicans in the country, but now looks to be headed to re-election. fail Michael Wager (OH-14) Wager’s opponent Joyce started out among the 10 most vulnerable Republicans in the country, but now looks to be headed to re-election. fail1 Sean Eldridge (NY-19) A September 2014 poll was released showing Eldridge getting shellacked by 24 points. hit Kevin Strouse (PA-08) Several political race reports have downgraded his chances of victory, with one even saying “Strouse should barely be considered competitive at this point.” UPDATE: The DCCC University’s graduates aren’t doing well. The DCCC is cutting advertisements in eight races, which is “a signal the party does not see a path to victory for these candidates or races.”

Womp. womp. Sad


Jeanne Shaheen is running for her second term in the U.S. Senate. [Read more…]

You gotta hand it to Alison Lundergan Grimes. If there is one thing she genuinely excels at, it is ducking questions from the press.

Today at an event in Lexington, Grimes was asked three times if she voted for President Obama in 2012. [Read more…]