Clinton Supported Obama’s Policies While Median Incomes Fell

Category: AR PAC

Out on the campaign trail, New Hampshire Democrat Annie Kuster talks a good game in her support for small businesses. In a recent ad, one of her supporters said “Annie Kuster goes to bat for small businesses.” Kuster’s website says she is “actively working to support innovation and the expansion of economic opportunity in our country.” And Kuster said she’s “proud to advocate on behalf of New Hampshire’s small businesses.”

But Kuster’s lofty rhetoric on her support for small businesses does not match reality, as The Union Leader recently reported that Kuster has skipped 70 percent of the Small Business Committee hearings:

…[Kuster] missed 70 percent of hearings held by the Small Business Committee, according to congressional records. … Kuster, who on her website says that, as a member of the House Small Business Committee, she is “actively working to support innovation and the expansion of economic opportunity in our country,” attended just nine of the 31 full committee hearings held by the Small Business Committee in the last congressional session. Her attendance rate was 29 percent.

In her support for small business, Annie Kuster is clearly all talk and no action.

Just this past June, Rep. Rick Nolan embraced the name “Radical Rick,” saying it was a “compliment.” “We need some radical changes in this country, don’t we?’”

But now he’s decided he’s a moderate. “The fact is, I’m a moderate.”

Which is it, Rick?

UPDATE: Turns out that wasn’t the only softball question Pryor couldn’t answer. When asked by the Washington Examiner why his campaign has referred to Tom Cotton as “superior” he stutters for 10 seconds before being bailed out by a staffer. Listen here.

Mark Pryor is trying so hard to pretend like he’s critical of Obama that he completely shuts down when asked a simple question about the President’s handling of Ebola.

Remember – this is the same Pryor that was widely criticized for running the most ludicrous ad of the cycle implying his GOP opponent was to blame for Ebola.

During KUSA’s Congressional debate, Democrat Andrew Romanoff was asked point blank if he would vote to repeal the individual mandate in ObamaCare.

Romanoff spends a solid half minute dodging the question, so Congressman Coffman helped him out: “So, the answer is no.”

Got it.Thanks Congressman!

During a N.C. Congressional debate, Clay Aiken referred to U.S. troops stationed overseas as “G.I. Joe Soliders” (items sold separately).

In case you were wondering about G.I. Joe soldiers:

In 1963, Hasbro began development on a military-themed line of dolls that, like Barbie, could be accessorized with different outfits and equipment.

New Jersey Democrat Aimee Belgard had a rough debate last week. Politicker NJ’s Chase Brush wrote that Belgard came off as a “deflective and sometimes shaky Democrat.” Notably, Belgard’s opponent Tom MacArthur gave her the opportunity to talk about her stance on granting in-state tuition to children that are in the country illegally. Belgard refused to answer, saying, “I’m fine, thank you.” Belgard’s refusal to answer demonstrates that she doesn’t have a solution on this important issue facing the country.

Today at a candidate forum in Miami, Florida Democrat Joe Garcia was asked about the crisis at the Veterans Affairs administration. Garcia, who has been in Congress for nearly 2 years, said that the systemic problems at the VA “had nothing to do with me, it happened before I got there.” [Read more…]


Sometimes you just gotta surf, man.

At least that seems to be Hawaii Democrat Tulsi Gabbard approach to life. She went surfing with Yahoo! News’ Chris Moody in a story that made a splash (nailed it!) in DC circles: [Read more…]

Right off the bat during today’s Colorado Senate debate, Mark Udall was finding ways to avoid answering direct questions about his record. [Read more…]

Mark Udall sat down with Eli Stokols yesterday to talk about his campaign. The interview was a bit of a disaster for Udall. He was questioned about why he’s not campaigning on Obamacare, what his biggest regret is from the last 6 years, and why he supported a Carbon Tax over immigration reform.

[Read more…]