Top 6 Reasons Hillary Clinton’s Newfound Wall Street Criticism Doesn’t Work

Category: AR PAC

Leon Panetta, former Secretary of Defense and Director of Central Intelligence under Obama, has made news this week criticizing Obama’s foreign policy. Following the release of his book, Worthy Fights, Panetta has criticized Obama’s unwillingness to push for a residual force in Iraq and his decision not to arm moderate rebels in Syria. Panetta has also criticized Obama’s commitment to putting no boots on the ground in Iraq: Obama is not alone though. In June, Hillary Clinton categorically opposed boots on the ground in Iraq:

After last night’s North Carolina Senate debate, Kay Hagan explained to reporters why it was more important for her to attend a campaign fundraiser than the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing that discussed the growing threat of ISIS.

For a full report on Hagan’s missed hearing, check out the ABC 11 coverage here:

At tonight’s AZ-2 debate, Republican Martha McSally held Rep. Ron Barber (D-AZ) accountable for a pro-Barber ad The Arizona Republic called “nasty.” When put on the spot and given the opportunity to denounce such ads, Barber could only recite the debate rules.

Arizona Democrat Ron Barber tried grandstanding about the problems in Congress during tonight’s AZ-2 debate. Luckily his opponent Martha McSally was there to remind him that he’s been working in Congress for years and is part of the problem.

California Democrat Amanda Renteria was asked on two separate occasions during tonight’s CA-21 debate about high speed rail coming to the district. [Read more…]

When asked if under her leadership if taxes would “go up, down, or stay the same,” Coakley spent almost a full minute rambling before admitting she would “raise revenues.”

A very different Mark Udall showed up at tonight’s Colorado Senate debate. Udall took totally different positions on ISIL and his relationship with President Obama. It must’ve been the Windsor knot over the bolo tie that caused the change. [Read more…]

During tonight’s North Carolina Senate debate, Republican Thom Tillis asked Kay Hagan which votes of her 96% voting record with President Obama she regrets.

After stammering for a solid 5 seconds, Hagan is utterly unable to name a single vote, [Read more…]

In tonight’s Georgia Senate Debate, David Perdue completely debunks Michelle Nunn’s phony claim that she’ll be “bipartisan.” A vote for Harry Reid is not a vote for bipartisanship.

Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta told MSNBC today that he knew the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist attack “from the very beginning.” Secretary Clinton would not publicly call Benghazi a terrorist attack until September 21st, 2012.  The Secretary of Defense’s immediate, clear-eyed view undermines Secretary Clinton’s claim that the “fog of war” prevented her from knowing that the consulate had been attacked by terrorists.