Democrat Primary Crist-allizing In Pivotal Congressional Race

Category: AR PAC

New Hampshire Democrat Ann Kuster tried putting distance between herself and President Obama this morning at a candidate forum. When asked about ObamaCare, Kuster said: [Read more…]


Louisiana Democrat Mary Landrieu announced she fired her campaign manager yesterday. Her campaign tried to brush off the news with a “she always does this!” excuse, but comments from her staff indicate an unease with campaign manager Adam Sullivan: [Read more…]

In his first debate of 2014, “Beltway Bill” Enyart was asked who he would like to see run for president in 2016.

[Read more…]

Clinton spent five minutes telling the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) “I don’t know what the right answer” on Obamacare’s medical devices tax is earlier today.

Sorry AdvaMed, unfortunately your $250,000 won’t get a straight answer out of the “mother of Obamacare” on this job-killing tax.

(h/t RNC)


Greg Orman


1. Orman Was Financial Adviser To Man Convicted of Insider Trading

Orman’s “link to jailed investor” Rajat Gupta is “deeper than first portrayed”: Not only was Orman financial advisor for Rajat Gupta, who was convicted of insider trading, but Gupta and Orman are also linked through New Silk Route, a Cayman Island based private equity firm focused on the Middle East and Asia, and through ownership of Exemplar Wealth Management.

2. Orman With Obama On Immigration And Nominees

Orman echoes Obama on immigration, endorsing a “path to citizenship” for undocumented immigrants currently in the U.S.

He also said he’ll approve anybody Obama nominates for any cabinet agency.

3. Orman Is A Democrat

Orman claims to be an independent, but has hired Democratic staffers, enlisted a Democratic consulting firm, explored a Senate run in 2008 as a Democrat, and attended a fundraiser co-hosted by “big-money Democratic donors,” including Jonathan Soros.

He tried to pretend he’s Independent by running from questions, like his stance on Obamacare, and abortion questions.

4. Orman Claims He Doesn’t Know Who He Willl Caucus With If Elected But He’s Donated to Harry Reid

Orman said he would not vote for Harry Reid for Majority Leader, but has contributed to Reid.

5. Out Of Touch With Kansans

Orman is out of touch with Kansans, calling “under $50,000” a “very small investment,” while the median household income in Kansas is just over $51,000. Also voter registration records show Orman first voted in Kansas in 2007 and was registered to vote in Florida as recently as 2006.

During the Kansas Senate debate this afternoon, Greg Orman said that President Obama should be able to “pick the team” that he feels like he needs to pick “to run various cabinet agencies.” [Read more…]

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton led the way in easing sanctions against against Myanmar. Clinton even listed opening the country up as one of her major foreign policy successes.

This did not turn out so well for the Rohingya Muslim minority which has historically been repressed. According to a report from The Associated Press today which calls the actions “the most aggressive effort yet,” Myanmar is forcing the entire Muslim minority population to register with government. They have set up barricades around Rohingya villages allowing only those who have cooperated to leave. Those who don’t cooperate are being kicked and beaten with clubs.

The Rohingya Muslims are afraid the registers will be used to deny them citizenship.

The Rohingya’s fears are not unfounded. In April 2013, Human Rights Watch accused the Myanmar government of conducting “ethnic cleansing” against the Rohingya Muslims.

Bruce Braley gets dissed  by President Obama’s chief strategist who is just the most recent person to catch the bipartisan Joni fever.




Yesterday MSNBC mocked Mark Pryor because he couldn’t answer a simple question – “Do you think that the Obama administration has done an appropriate job handling the ebola crisis?” Instead of answering, he rambled incoherently.

Pryor even put out a statement about his rambling, which was an extension of his rambling and didn’t answer the original question. So today MSNBC is mocking him yet again.

This also caused them to wonder if he took a “stupid pill”.

Later today, Hillary Clinton will be giving a paid speech to the Advanced Medical Technology Association’s (AdvaMed) in Chicago before campaigning for the “miserably unpopular” Pat Quinn. Clinton, who has said she “fully supports” the law will be speaking to an association that “strongly opposes” the medical device tax and has even called for its repeal. As AdvaMed puts it, the tax “harms job creation, deters medical innovation and increases the cost of health care.” Hillary Clinton was the “Mother of Obamacare” and a key internal supporter to getting the bill passed. Before receiving her $250k fee, where was Clinton in opposing this job killing tax? This is yet another example of where Clinton will be wedged between her big money paydays and her party’s job-killing taxes and regulations.

UPDATE: Clinton said “I don’t know what the right answer about the tax is” at the event. Hillary_laugh