KY Dems, Gov. Beshear Accept Thousands From WV Billionaire With KY Business Interests

Category: AR PAC


1) Braley votes with Democrats 97% of the time.


2) He says Nancy Pelosi was “an enormously effective speaker.”


3) Bruce thinks Obama “hasn’t gotten proper credit” for the good job he’s done.


4) He says that Hillary Clinton was a “great success” as Secretary of State.”

clinton glasses gif

5) Braley says Obamacare was “one of the proudest bills” he ever voted on.


6) Finally, he praised Cap and Trade’s regulations on farmers.

“I’m hopeful we will see the benefits that farmers can provide in reducing carbon emissions and include these things, such as methane digesters and no-till farming. The energy revolution has begun. We need your help to make it a reality. And I yield the balance of my time.” (Rep. Bruce Braley, Committee On Energy And Commerce, Subcommittee On Energy And Environment, U.S. House, 4/21/09)


Mary Landrieu has made it pretty clear that she doesn’t care about border security. At one point, she went to the Senate floor to tell the world that she “voted for the dumb fence once, I’m not going to do it again because I learned my mistake.” [Read more…]

Kay Hagan had no interest in sticking around to talk to reporters after Thursday’s North Carolina Senate debate. Tracking video shows Hagan hopping in her SUV and driving away while dodging a question about the administration’s handling of the Ebola situation. A supporter offers his excitement that Chris Matthews is coming this weekend. [Read more…]

During yesterday’s Courier-Journal editorial board, Alison Lundergan Grimes drew widespread coverage for awkwardly dodging a direct question that asked if Grimes voted for President Obama. [Read more…]

Cory Gardner asked Mark Udall a simple question at tonight’s Colorado Senate debate. Do you support making contraceptives available over the counter?

Since this is the only issue Mark Udall talks about, you’d think he would have a response. (Spoiler: Nope!) [Read more…]

At tonight’s North Carolina Senate debate, Tom Tillis took Kay Hagan to task for skipping an Armed Services Committee briefing on ISIS for a Park Avenue cocktail party.  “Show up for work.”


Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) took time out of today’s debate to remind voters that Romanoff was “aggressively recruited” by Nancy Pelosi and the DCCC to run for Congress and as a result last year had to actually move into the district.

John Foust used to love to tell voters that he was recruited by the DCCC to run in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District.

Well, today the DCCC announced they’re pulling their $2.8 million ad buy they had reserved in the race.

Hang in there, buddy!

Oh, that was painful. Alison Lundergan Grimes was asked point blank during a Courier-Journal editorial board meeting if she voted for President Obama.

You remember that question, she was asked about it three times last week, and completely ignored it. [Read more…]

Alison Grimes has been criticized for her overly scripted, talking point heavy campaign style. Today a blatantly political memo was released to the Weekly Standard that showed just that. The memo addressed to Alison Lundergan Grimes’ offered her talking points in preparation for an editorial board meeting happening today. [Read more…]