Jason Kander: This DC Fundraiser “Feels Like A Wedding For Me”

Category: AR PAC

Jonathan Soros, son of liberal donor George Soros, is throwing a fundraiser for faux “independent” Greg Orman in New York City this week. Add this to hiring Democrat staffers, help from the DSCC, donations to Democrats, and his willingness to greenlight Obama’s nominees as just the latest example that Greg Orman is a liberal Democrat [Read more…]

During tonight’s CA-26 debate, Julia Brownley stalled just long enough to never give an answer on whether she supports closing Guantanamo Bay. (Hint, she’s voted to close it.)

Locked in a tough fight for reelection, New Hampshire Democrat Ann Kuster has been trying to distance herself in recent weeks from President Obama and his failed agenda, which he has proudly proclaimed is “on the ballot” this November. [Read more…]

During this morning’s MA-6 debate, Seth Moulton tried to convince voters he would be an independent voice in Washington, but as his Republican opponent Richard Tisei points out, Moulton has said he’ll be a dependable Democrat vote—just like scandal plagued and Pelosi loyalist John Tierney.

During tonight’s Iowa debate, Joni Ernst reminded Bruce Braley that actions speak louder than words. It was Bruce Braley who went to Texas and poked fun at Senator Chuck Grassley for being just a farmer without a law degree: [Read more…]

Bruce Braley claimed during tonight’s Iowa Senate debate that he never met Michael Bloomberg in an attempt to distance himself from the anti-Second Amendment views he shares with the New York City Mayor.

Well, that’s not true. [Read more…]

Mark Pryor is running for his third term in the U.S. Senate.

1. Pryor Thinks ObamaCare Is “An Amazing Success Story”

In August 2013, Pryor visited Mercy Hospital in Rogers, Arkansas. While touring the hospital, Pryor told the press that ObamaCare has been ” an amazing success story.”

2. Pryor Would Vote For ObamaCare Again

Pryor said that, knowing what he knows now, he would have still voted for ObamaCare again. Not only did Pryor reaffirm his support for the President’s failed law, but he also dismissed claims of people losing their insurance as “anecdotal.”

3. Pryor Lied When He Said If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It

After the Senate’s passage of ObamaCare in 2009, Pryor issued a press release that claimed the law would “protect and expand an individual’s choice of doctors and insurance plans.” In 2012, Pryor doubled down on his claim that ObamaCare would protect insurance plans by telling Arkansas Business that the “bottom line” is businesses would be able to keep their existing plans. Pryor’s claims turned out to be false, and at least 35,000 Arkansans have lost their existing insurance plans due to ObamaCare regulations.

4. Pryor Thinks Obama “Is Exactly The Right Guy For This Moment In History”

How deep is Pryor’s affection for President Obama? Well, Pryor thought that there was a sense of “destiny” about him, and that Obama was “exactly the right guy for this moment in history.”

5. Pryor Is A Rubber Stamp For The Obama Agenda

According to Congressional Quarterly, on average, Pryor has voted for President Obama’s agenda at least 90 percent of the time.

6. Pryor Tried To Blame His Opponent For Ebola

The ad was immediately denounced by media.


Earlier this year, it was reported that Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe offered perks to a state senator’s daughter. In exchange, that state senator, Phillip Puckett, would delay his resignation from the legislature. [Read more…]

At an event today in Des Moines, First Lady Michelle Obama praised Democrat Bruce Braley as a Marine Corps. Veteran.

In fact, Bruce Braley is a litigious trial lawyer.

So close!

In the newly released documents about Hillary Clinton is a March 1994 memo from Paul Begala to Lisa Caputo. It gives talking points for questions about Hillary Clinton related to her time at Rose Law Firm. He proposed a talking point saying that then-First Lady Clinton has never shredded any documents. Though the end of the paragraph notes that they have to check whether or not she really did. image (1)