Local Papers Cover Clinton’s Dropping Poll Numbers

Category: AR PAC

Today at the Colorado Energy Forum, Mark Udall touted the fact that he was “the first” member of the Colorado delegation to introduce a Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) bill that would allow energy firms to export LNG to more countries around the world. [Read more…]

Hillary Clinton spoke at University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) last night about how millions of young people are burdened by student debt. She would know – her contract demanded she be paid $225,000 by the UNLV Foundation to speak there. While that sounds like a lot of money to demand from a university’s charity, her contract just covered the absolute basics – like her presidential suite, her ‘presidential glass panel teleprompter,’ or her university-paid stenographer.

UPDATE: NBC Las Vegas: Clinton UNLV Event “Marred With Some Controversy” From “Hefty” Speaking Fee

Unbelievably, Alison Lundergan Grimes AGAIN refused to say who she voted for in 2008 and 2012.

On the other hand, Senator McConnell did not struggle with the oh-so-difficult “who did you vote for” question. [Read more…]


Simple as that.

Recently, CN2 reported that Grimes represented an offshore gambling company that Democrat Gov. Steve Beshear said “deprived Kentucky horse tracks of gambling revenue and posed ‘a tremendous threat’ to Kentuckians.”

Check out the video above where Grimes explains that her client, who threatens Kentucky jobs, is based in the Netherlands. [Read more…]

During today’s debate to represent Ohio’s 14th congressional district, Democrat Michael Wager went on two epic rants. The first one was about his furious support for ObamaCare, which he emphasized he WOULD HAVE VOTED FOR if he was in the House at the time:

Mad Michael Wager’s second epic rant was in response to an audience member who expressed his respect for Wager, but then asked why he was running false, negative ads about his Republican opponent, Rep. David Joyce:

Back in 2009, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid needed two senators to help build consensus and support to pass ObamaCare. He turned to Chuck Schumer and Mark Pryor. [Read more…]


This evening, Hillary Clinton will take a private jet from Colorado to Las Vegas, funded by a charity – the UNLV Foundation. When she lands in Vegas she will be paid $225,000 to give brief remarks. Following the event, Clinton will take a motorcade to a Democratic party event where she will lay the foundation for her 2016 campaign on the UNLV Foundation’s dime with Nevada politicos like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Her evening will end at a presidential suite that was required as part of her speaking contract.

For more details on this lavish Vegas Vacation, rewatch Nevada political reporter Jon Ralston’s two epic rants, the first on the $225k fee, the 2nd on the absurd demands in Clinton’s speaking contract.



A scathing report by Breitbart News reveals Michigan Democrat Gary Peters at best exaggerated and at worst lied about his military record, according to military professionals familiar with a FOIA of Peters’ Navy service. [Read more…]