Democrat Discord in Pennsylvania

Category: AR PAC

Gwen Ifill of PBS spoke to Mark Udall about his widely criticized campaign. Here are the top 3 moments from Udall’s miserable interview: [Read more…]

As part of Alison Grimes’ ham-handed, widely panned attempt to distance herself from President Obama this week, she awkwardly tried to distinguish between an Obama and a Clinton Democrat. Well with Hillary Clinton campaigning in Kentucky today, we have put together a handy chart to help voters tell the difference.


At last night’s Senate debate in Louisiana, Mary Landrieu said: “I want to run on my record of 18 years. I’m proud of my record.”

It’s too bad for Landrieu that the people of Louisiana don’t feel the same way. Here’s why: [Read more…]

At yesterday’s debate, Florida Democrat Joe Garcia refused to apologize for his campaign’s multiple counts of election fraud: [Read more…]

At tonight’s Herald-Dispatch debate in West Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District, Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) insisted multiple times there wasn’t a job-killing carbon tax in the Progressive Caucus budget he voted for.

First, Rahall insisted there wasn’t a carbon tax in the Progressive Caucus budget:

Then, Rahall claimed he read the bill and didn’t see a carbon tax in it:

Perhaps Rahall missed America Rising’s handy guide called “How Nick Rahall Voted For A Carbon Tax.”


Mark Pryor’s definition of middle class in Arkansas is $200,000 a year. On the contrary, $200,000 a year puts one in the top 5 percentile of earners in Arkansas. Pryor, of course, is a part of this group, but 95 percent of Arkansans are not. [Read more…]

During tonight’s Louisiana Senate debate, Mary Landrieu had no problem repeating PolitiFact’s 2011 “Lie of the Year” verbatim to the people of Louisiana.

Later, Landrieu rated President Obama, with whom she has agreed 95% of the time during his Presidency, a 7 out of 10:

Bloomberg reports that earlier today the Harkin Steak Fry 2014 Committee paid a private jet company a whopping $50,000 to fly the Clintons to Iowa to speak at the last annual Harkin Steak Fry.

America Rising had a tracker on site to witness Bill and Hillary Clinton take off from the Des Moines airport. Here’s what they got for all that cash:

9.14.14 Hillary leaving DSM Airport in Des Moines, IA - IMAGES (2)

The cost of that plane alone would put the Clintons right at the median household income in Iowa, where 12.7% of the state is below the poverty line.



Bruce Braley is running for the Senate seat vacated by Tom Harkin (D-IA). [Read more…]


The Carolina Journal is reporting that Kay Hagan and her husband Chip, through their company JDC Manufacturing, lowered the cost of a stimulus project and kept the savings for themselves. [Read more…]