NEW RELEASE: Hillary Clinton’s Say Or Do Anything Wall Street Approach

Category: AR PAC


More than 22,000 Coloradans just found out their health insurance policies will be canceled by the end of the year.

That’s trouble for all the Democrats (see: Udall, Hickenlooper, Romanoff, et al.) who have supported ObamaCare all along. [Read more…]

Mark Begich

Mark Begich is running for reelection as U.S. Senator from Alaska.

1. Begich Has Inflated His Accomplishments In The Senate

Begich claimed he could “talk to you until you’re blue in the face” about his accomplishments for Alaska, but his only bill that became law renamed a courthouse. You can watch Begich fail to defend his ineffectiveness here.

2. Begich’s Failed Promise: ObamaCare Makes Insurance More Affordable For Alaska

Despite Begich promising ObamaCare would make insurance more affordable for Alaskans, Alaskans buying insurance through ObamaCare’s marketplace will experience more than a 30 percent rate increase next year, and many others have lost their health insurance. However, Begich said he would vote for ObamaCare again.

3. Mark Begich Stands By Obama

Begich claims to be a thorn in Obama’s side but votes with him 97% of the time.

4. The Debt Has Increased Under Begich’s Watch

Begich has discussed the disastrous effects of an increasing national debt, but Begich is part of theproblem, having voted to increase the national debt multiple times since taking office.

5. Begich Left Anchorage With A Shortfall

As mayor of Anchorage, Begich gave a “rosy picture” to the Anchorage Assembly while “some departments were overspending their calendar-year budgets.” Following Begich’s departure from the Mayor’s office, Anchorage announced a $17 million revenue shortfall and an audit later revealed his administration “failed to practice ‘prudent fiscal management’ in certain areas.”

6. Begich Failed Alaska On Energy

Begich said that he would not only be able to cross party lines to open ANWR but would even bang Obama over the head a few times to convince him to drill in ANWR, but ANWR is still closed. Instead of standing for Alaskans, Begich stands with the EPA.


Alison Lundergan Grimes is running to be the U.S. Senator from Kentucky. [Read more…]


First (and second?) there was Alison Lundergan Grimes. Then came Michelle Nunn. Then Natalie Tennant.

Now we can add another name to the list of Democrats [Read more…]

New York Democrat Tim Bishop was asked “what error have you fallen into that you would like to acknowledge” at a debate last night. Bishop could not name a single example during his 12 years in Congress (!) [Read more…]

A new report from the State Department’s Inspector General provides proof behind allegations originally leveled last year that high-level aides close to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interfered with investigations to cover up criminal misconduct.

In the most egregious case, when hearing allegations that a top Democratic donor and U.S. Ambassador was soliciting underage prostitutes, Clinton’s Chief of Staff, Cheryl Mills, along with Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy summoned him to Washington, heard his denials, and allowed him to return to post without any subsequent investigation. After they quashed the investigation, the State Department’s own legal office told the Inspector General they lacked the authority to do so.

When this tampering was originally reported, an unreleased draft Inspector General memo that was leaked to the press showed senior aides repeatedly intervening to quash investigation after investigation. The State Department at the time denied the allegations, going so far as to call them “preposterous.”

  But the new report shows otherwise. In another example, investigators felt “intimidated” by managers who failed to act despite “overwhelming evidence” of wrongdoing. As the report states, Hillary Clinton’s top aides “created an appearance of undue influence and favoritism by Department management.” Read the full report here. This comes on the heels of another IG report that outlined massive mismanagement within the Clinton State Department.

During tonight’s Iowa Senate debate, Bruce Braley told some whoppers. Here are the highlights: [Read more…]

Looks like “Two-Faced” John Barrow is at it again, doing whatever it takes just to win an election. During tonight’s debate, Barrow twice denied taking credit for the Port of Savannah… except that he’s already touted the Port in two different ads.

During today’s debate with GOP challenger Frank Guinta, Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) inadvertently blamed her own ineffectiveness for the lack of ISIS action in the House.

During a candidate forum in West Virginia this morning, Democrat Natalie Tennant just couldn’t bring herself to say she voted for President Obama. Instead, she said she voted for “The Democrat Party.” [Read more…]