Two Of Hillary Clinton’s Top Campaign Advisors Have A Hard Time Explaining NYT Story

Category: AR PAC


Here is a growing number of Democrats unwilling to say whether they voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012. We definitely expect to be adding to this list.

NEW: We caught Alaska Democrat Mark Begich on camera, refusing to say whether he voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012.


Alabama Attorney General candidate Joe Hubbard wouldn’t say who he voted for in 2008 or 2012 either.


West Virginia Democrat Natalie Tennant couldn’t bring herself to say she voted for President Obama in 2012. Instead, she said she voted for “The Democrat Party.” In case you’re wondering, the Democrat Party’s nominee for president in 2012 was Barack Obama.


Georgia Democrat Michelle Nunn also wouldn’t say if she voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012. (NOTE: When pressed by the Washington Post, she affirmed her strong support for President Obama.)


The one who started the trend – Kentucky Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes – said not telling Kentucky whether she voted for Obama in 2008 or 2012 was “a matter of principle.” Meanwhile, her opponent, Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, proudly voted for Romney in 2012.


Michelle Nunn has been asked by President George H.W. Bush to stop using his image in her political ads. Bush endorsed Republican David Perdue in the Georgia Senate race earlier this year. [Read more…]

At an event in Bogalusa, Louisiana Saturday, Mary Landrieu took time out of her stump speech to get something “off my chest” about her $2.5 million D.C. mansion. [Read more…]

In last night’s debate, Democrat John Lewis made a point to say, “you’ll never see me waffle on positions where cooperation is essential.”

Except that’s exactly what Lewis did in a debate last month when he couldn’t name a single item in the budget he would cut.

“If I was rooting for failure, I would let you be governor.”

Larry Hogan, Republican running for Maryland Governor, tore his opponent’s record apart. MD Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown helped to oversee MD’s failed Obamacare exchange.

Hogan explained:

“This has been an unmitigated disaster. We’re not like other states – we were the worst in the entire country. We’re the first state to abandon our entire system. You’ve wasted $288,000,000 of the taxpayers’ money – it’s being investigated by the feds right now!”

In 2012, Joe Garcia promised to oppose raising the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare. But the very next year, Garcia voted for a budget plan that raises the retirement age to 69. [Read more…]

It appears Erin Bilbray continues to be the one Democrat still flip-flopping on Iraq. In April 2014, Bilbray said she would have voted to go to war in Iraq even though, as a paid liberal activist in 2007, she opposed the war. [Read more…]

At a parade in Baldwin City, Kansas today, so-called “independent” Greg Orman dodged a direct question from a woman who asked where he stood on abortion. [Read more…]

Republican Bob Dold laid into Democrat Brad Schneider during this afternoon’s debate. With Schneider glossing over his hypocritical votes, Dold set the record straight: [Read more…]

During today’s debate, New Jersey Democrat Aimee Belgard struggled to explain her broken promise to not take a salary as a local official.