Clinton Releases Climate Plan Emitting Zero Details

Category: AR PAC

During today’s Alaska Senate debate, Mark Begich tried to be coy by dodging whether he would vote for Harry Reid as Majority Leader.

Here are the facts: Harry Reid asked Begich to join Democrat leadership in the Senate and Begich is the 5th highest ranking Democrat in the Senate.

At a debate an Oct. 20 debate, Erin Bilbray (D-NV) said ObamaCare “has really helped our families” and “made people have more access to affordable health care.”

However, on Oct. 19, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that Nevadans who were able to keep their pre-ObamaCare health plans for a year and are now forced to buy plans that comply with ObamaCare regulations are “getting clobbered” with higher insurance rates and more exposure to out-of-pocket costs.

Carol Shea-Porter told NH1 Radio last week that she would campaign with President Obama. Will she reiterate her support for President Obama and his policies during tonight’s debate? Stay tuned.

Mile High Gitmo

Earlier this month, The Wall Street Journal reported that President Obama is considering a “dramatic use of executive power” to override a Congressional ban on bringing terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay to the United States. The original plan to circumvent Congress was drafted by none other than former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [Read more…]


Yesterday, Ben White spoke to Michelle Nunn about her support of President Obama. Asked if she regretted her 2008 and 2012 votes for Obama, Nunn “grimaced” and “talked her way around the question”: [Read more…]


An inflammatory flyer with an image of a lynch mob, paired the text “Kay Hagan doesn’t win! Obama’s impeachment will begin! Vote in 2014,” was distributed to churchgoers in Fayetteville this weekend. [Read more…]

During tonight’s WBIN debate for the NH-02, Democrat Ann Kuster continued her embarrassingly awkward flight away from President Obama and his policies, which she has supported 87 percent of the time. [Read more…]

CNN looked into Alison Lundergan Grimes’ hypocrisy on the minimum wage and women’s issues. It was rough.

It is honestly becoming difficult to track all of the different scandals, conflicts of interest, and other ethical issues plaguing Kay Hagan. [Read more…]