DAILY MAIL: Exclusive: Video shows Hillary Clinton boarding private jet

Category: AR PAC

In an interview with the Washington Examiner yesterday, Mark Begich was asked if he voted for President Obama in 2008 and 2012: [Read more…]

Kay Hagan clearly did not enjoy being asked three times whether President Obama has been a strong leader.

Hagan admitted, “President Obama has a lot on his plate,” apparently implying that past successful Presidents did not? [Read more…]

Last week, we learned that top allies to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including her Chief of Staff, were interfering, and as Time’s Zeke Miller put it, “strong-arming” investigations by the State Department’s Inspector General. In one case, aides halted a probe into an Ambassador and big-time Democrat donor who stood accused of soliciting underage prostitutes.

So it’s fitting today that Clinton will be campaigning for a fellow New Yorker whose building quite the reputation for tampering with supposedly independent investigations.

In July, Cuomo came under fire when The New York Times reported on how his top aides repeatedly quashed subpoenas of his own ethics commission after it began investigating some of his top donors. Cuomo’s administration even had to concede it tried to cover up its actions by denying legitimate records requests.

More recently, it’s been reported that Cuomo was forced to deny his administration was meddling with the actions of the state’s new elections officer.

So it’ll be all smiles and no subpoenas this morning as these kindred spirits, who will go to incredible lengths to sweep wrongdoing under the rug, hit the stump together.

Michelle Nunn refuses to stop using President George H.W. Bush’s image in her ads, allowing Georgia voters to believe he supports her, when in fact he has endorsed her opponent, David Perdue. [Read more…]

Since news broke of Mark Warner’s involvement in the Virginia judgeship scandal, he’s taken great pains to avoid the press. [Read more…]

During last night’s New Hampshire Senate debate, Jeanne Shaheen straight up lied about her opposition to a nuclear power plant at Seabrook. Unfortunately for Shaheen, video from WMUR’s “Close Up” in the 1980s shows her lamenting the plant’s construction: [Read more…]

During tonight’s New Hampshire Senate debate, Jeanne Shaheen couldn’t answer a yes or no question about whether she approves of the job President Obama is doing.

Later, Shaheen was asked to name one “fix” she would suggest for ObamaCare. Her answer? A new website bureaucracy:

And when asked if she would support Harry Reid as the Senate Democrats Leader, Shaheen wouldn’t say:

During tonight’s debate with Frank Guinta, Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) today denied wholesale that any New Hampshirite has lost their healthcare plan under ObamaCare. [Read more…]

Earlier tonight, Martha Coakley tried to combat her “chilly” reputation… and failed.

Facing new reports of corruption and insider deals, Kay Hagan skipped tonight’s North Carolina Senate debate, leaving an empty chair to represent her campaign.  After the last debate, America Rising trackers caught Hagan skipping the post-debate press conference because of her inability to answer questions about missing Armed Services hearings on ISIS.

This is not an image or video that conveys strength or confidence from Kay Hagan’s campaign 2 weeks out from Election Day.


Empty Chair:

Hagan Empty Chair