Florida Carpetbagger Refuses To Say If She Will Sell Mansion And Move Into The District

Category: AR PAC

Virginia Democrat John Foust has fallen back on his oft criticized communication skills, this time putting foot in mouth as he claimed that premium increases under ObamaCare are just “anecdotal evidence.” It will take a long time to tell the few hundred thousand anecdotes of Virginians who will see significant premium increases next year.

FOUST: “Well the only thing I would say to that is, uh, you know, is, uh, it is a concern to costs, we acknowledge that. But you can point, uh, to anecdotal evidence of higher costs for some people, but what we don’t hear coming from the Republicans and the people who want to kill ObamaCare is all the stories we hear when we go around about people who are getting healthcare for the first time in their lives because of ObamaCare.”


Kay Hagan is campaigning with Hillary Clinton today in Charlotte. That’s fitting because both Hagan and Clinton have a penchant for insider deals. [Read more…]

At an event in Massachusetts today, Hillary Clinton said “don’t let anybody tell you that, you know, it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

Who exactly is creating the jobs then, Sec. Clinton?

UPDATE: “Asked about the ‘jobs’ comment after the event, Clinton glanced at her press secretary, Nick Merrill, and said, ‘You can talk to Nick about that.’” – Buzzfeed


Just as her husband did earlier this week for Michelle Nunn in Georgia, Michelle Obama reminded Colorado voters that Mark Udall is responsible for the policies President Obama has enacted these last six years: [Read more…]

In a scathing editorial, the staff of the Wheeling News-Register ripped into Natalie Tennant for breaking the very laws she’s charged with upholding. [Read more…]

Even Wolf Blitzer was baffled by Jeanne Shaheen taking her third position on the Ebola travel ban.

In case you are too, here were Shaheen’s previous positions: [Read more…]

Soooo busy.

Barack Obama



Last week President Obama said his policies are on the ballot in the 2014 election, but in South Dakota his policies are on the ballot twice!

Rick Weiland is running for Senate as a Democrat and Larry Pressler is an Independent. But can you tell the difference between them and Obama?


Mark Begich has broken his promises to Alaskans and proven he stands with his anti-drilling radical environmentalist donors.

  • He hasn’t opened up drilling in ANWR like he promised.
  • Alaska oil production is actually DOWN since he and President Obama have been in office.
  • He has received thousands from the anti-drilling League of Conservation Voters.

During a radio interview on V-103 in Atlanta, President Obama said that if Michelle Nunn wins her Georgia Senate race, Democrats will win the Senate. He adds that a Nunn victory will mean he can continue to advance his agenda, which has and will continue to harm Georgia. [Read more…]