2 Days In A Row, 2 Clinton Dodges On Keystone

Category: AR PAC

On the Ed Program last night, the executive director of Clinton-defending Super PAC Correct The Record said there was no difference between a Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Democrat and that Obama/Clinton share “the same broad agenda.

The Obama’s 3rd Term evidence builds.

Kay Hagan had a disastrous TV interview that aired tonight. Check out her completely unprepared responses to these straightforward questions, all of which she’s been asked before: [Read more…]

Wow, let it be said that Ann Kuster does not have her finger on the pulse of New Hampshire voters.

During tonight’s NH-02 debate, when asked if America should put all options on the table to address the threat of ISIS, [Read more…]


Georgia Democrats are circulating a mailer that says “His Name isn’t on the ballot this year,” referring to President Obama, “But his Presidency is on the line…” [Read more…]

In a recent interview on West Virginia Public Radio, Rep. Nick Rahall (D-WV) was asked if the U.S. Capitol Power Plant ever used West Virginia coal. Rahall said it was his understanding that the Capitol Power Plant used Kentucky coal before he introduced a bill that called for the power plant to reduce carbon emissions. Rahall also said he wished it was West Virginia coal:

According to a May 2007 CNN report, the Capitol Power Plant did, in fact, use coal from two West Virginia companies.

Despite the fact that the the Capitol Power Plant used West Virginia coal, in January 2007 Rahall introduced H.R. 6, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Rahall’s bill mandated that the Capitol Power Plant be operated “in the most energy efficient manner possible to minimize carbon emissions,” and as a result the power plant was converted to natural gas in 2009.

Thanks Nick Joe!



Just this summer, Mary Landrieu defended her friend, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and said she would “absolutely” back him as Leader. [Read more…]

In her final debate against Frank Guinta before election day, Shea-Porter was asked to name one piece of legislation that she sponsored that has had a positive impact in New Hampshire. No joke, she named ObamaCare.

[Read more…]

David Perdue pressed Democrat Michelle Nunn to explain the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaints that have been filed against Nunn’s charity. These complaints are well-known by Nunn and were noted in her leaked campaign memo. [Read more…]

During yesterday’s New Hampshire Senate debate, Jeanne Shaheen couldn’t help but interrupt Scott Brown, who was making his closing statement and discussing Shaheen’s abysmal small business record. [Read more…]

During tonight’s Georgia Senate debate, Michelle Nunn blatantly dodged on whether she would vote for Harry Reid as Majority Leader.

Pressed again later in the debate, Nunn tried to put distance between herself and Reid: [Read more…]