Clinton Gets Red Carpet Treatment Boarding Private Jet In New Hampshire

Category: AR PAC

Happy birthday Bruce Braley!

We got you some of your favorite things!

  • Obamacare – because you said it’s  “one of the proudest votes I’ve ever taken.”
  • An ambulance to chase – we know how much you love being a trial lawyer and don’t love people who aren’t lawyers.
  • Towel service – we know how important it is to you!

Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster is being investigated by the state legislature after a New York Times article uncovered instances where he gave favorable treatments to companies that support his political efforts.

In one instance, it took just $20,000 in donations and an invitation to a beach-side speaking gig for Koster to favorably wrap up settlement negotiations on an unlawful marketing case.

That same year, Koster dropped an investigation into another company that made campaign contributions.

Rumors have it that Koster has the Governor’s office on his Christmas wish list. These types of insider deals should complicate that bid. On the otherhand – Hillary might be drawn to someone who shares her penchant for influence peddling.

Former Gitmo detainees are rejoining the battlefield with ISIS, Fox News reports:

“As many as 20 to 30 former Guantanamo Bay detainees released within the last two to three years are suspected by intelligence and Defense officials of having joined forces with the Islamic State and other militant groups inside Syria, Fox News has learned. 

The development has cemented fears that the U.S. military would once again encounter militants taken off the battlefield.”

The news comes on the heels of the Obama Administration’s intent to override the Congressional ban on relocating Guantanamo detainees to the U.S. Speaking of Congress, remember all those votes that sought to ban such relocations? No? Remember those votes that actually sought to fund such relocations?

We’re looking at you, Ami Bera, Brad Schneider, Rick Nolan, Anne Kuster, Scott Peters.

This morning on MSNBC, Chuck Todd took Mary Landrieu’s “clout” reelection theory and flushed it down the toilet. [Read more…]

new report shows that U.S. intelligence analysts believe that that 20 to 30 former Guantanamo Bay detainees have joined the terrorist group ISIS, and at least another 150 have joined other militant groups in Syria.

If Hillary Clinton had gotten her way, the remaining detainees at Gitmo would be transferred out of the prison – potentially to the United States, or released to rejoin terrorist groups. Clinton has a long history of advocating for the closure of Gitmo. As a Senator, she co-sponsored legislation to close the prison and in 2013, Clinton wrote a memo urging President Obama to invoke executive privilege and bypass Congressional oversight in order to close the prison.

The fact that Gitmo detainees are returning to the battlefield should come as no surprise, and serves as a stark reminder of how wrong Clinton’s foreign policy judgment has been. In September 2011, years before Clinton’s memo, the Director of National Intelligence estimated that more than 160 detainees that had been released from Guantanamo Bay were suspected of having already re-engaged in terrorist activities.


In what has to be one of the craziest public statements about ObamaCare this cycle, New Hampshire Democrat Ann Kuster claimed that people in New Hampshire oppose ObamaCare because it didn’t go far enough, like she would have preferred: [Read more…]

In his final 2014 debate, Enyart pushed back on his opponent’s assertion that he voted against the first version of the 2014 Farm Bill. [Read more…]

obama clap

Hillary Clinton just said not answering tough questions is “disqualifying.”



Hillary Clinton on Obamacare’s medical devices tax.

Hillary Clinton on immigration.

Hillary Clinton on the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Hillary Clinton on NSA surveillance.

Hillary Clinton on who creates jobs.

Relating to Iowans isn’t going to be easy for the former Secretary of State.

Fresh off embarrassing headlines from her $50,000 flight to the Harkin Steak Fry,  Clinton is taking another undoubtedly pricey private jet flight for an Iowa campaign swing. The big question is, was today’s plane also paid for by hard dollar donations intended to help Iowa Democrats?

Records from Flight Aware confirm that a private jet flew from Westchester County to the Eastern Iowa Airport in Cedar Rapids, where Clinton headlined a rally for Bruce Braley earlier today.

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The plane was then flown from from The Eastern Iowa airport to Davenport Municipal Airport, 17 minutes from where Clinton’s second campaign event will be held.Clinton Plane 2


The 16-minute empty flight from Cedar Rapids to Davenport was presumably made so that Clinton wouldn’t have to deal with the grueling 78-mile car ride in a motorcade back to the first airport she landed at.

Clinton Plane 3

Now the only question that remains is, who paid for this jet?