Oh No! Hillary Forgot To Mention This During Her Speech Tonight!

Tonight, Hillary Clinton took the stage at Emily’s List’s 30th anniversary gala for a highly-anticipated speech that did nothing to address the multiple scandals currently embroiling Clinton’s campaign-in-hiding. Here are a few other facts Hillary (or is it Hilary?) forgot to mention:

Each woman in the audience would have made less than their male counterpart in the Clinton Senate office.

Hillary Clinton charges for one speech at a public university at least $300,000.

Until 7 days ago, Stephanie Schriock, the President of Emily’s List, sat on the board of an outside group working on behalf of Clinton’s campaign.

Hillary Clinton continued doing what every Republican hopes, failing to address the negative stories defining her yet to be announced candidacy (emails?) (foreign donations?).

How much did the private jet(s) cost Hillary Clinton to get to/from tonight’s event?

And tonight, Hillary Clinton will stay in her $5 million Georgetown mansion she bought when she was “dead broke.”

Picture of her speaking at the dinner:

Hillary clinton elephant emilys list emilyslist30